

字词 总体的人   

总体的人           【英】

total man


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:966.
[2] Baudrillard, J. The Mirror of Production [M]. New York: Telos Press Ltd., 1975: 165.




[1] 夏基松,张继武.现代西方哲学辞典[Z].安徽人民出版社,1987.
[2] 冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大词典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2000.
[3] 余源培.哲学词典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2009.
[4] 孙云,孙镁耀.新编哲学大辞典[Z].哈尔滨出版社,1991.


1. 马克思主义的分析把人看作是被剥夺的、异化的人,并将之与总体的人联系起来。总体的他者就是理由,他者就是未来(这是乌托邦的思想,在这个术语的坏的意义上),这种分析把人看作是总体性的筹划。与这种分析相反,对乌托邦来说,与异化的概念将没有任何关系。——《生产之镜》,2005:152

1. Contrary to Marxist analysis which posits man as dispossessed, as alienated and relates him to a total man, a total Other who is Reason and who is for the future (which is utopian, but in the bad sense of the term), which assigns to man a project of totalization, utopia, for its part, would have nothing to do with the concept of alienation. -Quoted from The Mirror of Production, 1975: 165


例句 1:
The theory of “total man” is the concentrated expression of Marx’s thought on all-round human development.

例句 2:
其基本特点包括:在具体—总体中,强调“总体的人”(total man)的“自然”与“历史”的“生成”过程,也即人的“存在的”属性,这种存在的属性,换言之,就是行动的哲学或曰立足于“日常生活批判”的“存在的哲学”(existential philosophy)。——“‘巴黎手稿’的存在主义马克思主义解读”,载于《北京行政学院学报》2016年第3期
The basic characteristic is emphasizing the natural and historical Becoming of the “total man” inconcrete totality, i.e. the human’s “existential” attribute. In other words, it is the philosophy of action or “existential philosophy” based upon the “critique of everyday life” that such an existential attribute is.

例句 3:
Thereout, the society is indeed the completely essential unification to a person with nature, the communism having sublated alienation just is the true possess on person’s essence. The person as a total person will possess one’s own essence in an overall way, then the sense, corroborating oneself is the person’s essential strength, can be produced and develop because of the personizationful nature. At here shows the meaning of the crit





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