

字词 阶级路线


class line


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 420.




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 土地革命.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=ZWXjw92e8u6GYE5ECrl73yeOJ9UZeRkvbak_ODuzZTkAeslavy5N6dOkAON4ahHpEw1gxujYc9ousXJ2jvBBcK


1. 1905-1915年这整整十年,这伟大的十年,证明了在俄国革命中有两条而且只有两条阶级路线。农民的分化加强了农民内部的阶级斗争,唤醒了很多在政治上沉睡未醒的农民,推动了农村无产阶级向城市无产阶级靠拢(布尔什维克从1906年以来就坚决主张农村无产阶级要单独组织起来,并把这个要求列入孟什维克斯 德哥尔摩代表大会的决议),但是“农民”同马尔柯夫们—罗曼诺夫们一赫沃斯托夫们的对抗加强了,増长了,尖锐化了。这个真实情况是如此明显,甚至连托洛茨基在巴黎写的洋洋万言的几十篇文章也“推翻”不了。——《列宁全集(第二十七卷)》,1990:98

1. A whole decade-the great decade of 1905-15 has shown the existence of two and only two class lines in the Russian revolution. The differentiation of the peasantry has enhanced the class struggle within them; it has aroused very many hitherto politically dormant elements. It has drawn the rural proletariat closer to the urban proletariat (the Bolsheviks have insisted ever since 1906 that the former should be separately organised, and they included this demand in the resolution of the Menshevik congress in Stockholm). However, the antagonism between the peasantry, on the one hand, and the Markovs, Romanovs and Khvostovs, on the other, has become stronger and more acute. This is such an obvious truth that not even the thousands of phrases in scores of Trotsky's Paris articles will “refute” it. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21), 1974: 420.

2. 应当指出,第三次“左”倾路线的代表者也领导了农民分配土地,建立政权和武装反抗当时国民党政府的进攻,这些任务都是正确的;但是由于上述的“左”倾认识,他们就错误地害怕承认当时的红军运动是无产阶级领导的农民运动,错误地反对所谓“农民特殊革命性”、“农民的资本主义”和所谓“富农路线”,而实行了许多超民主主义的所谓“阶级路线”的政策,例如消灭富农经济及其他过左的经济政策、劳动政策,一切剥削者均无参政权的政权政策,强调以共产主义为内容的国民教育政策,对知识分子的过左政策,要兵不要官的兵运工作和过左的肃反政策等,而使当前的革命任务被歪曲,使革命势力被孤立,使红军运动受挫折。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:973

2. It should be said that the exponents of the third "Left" line did lead the peasants in distributing the land, in setting up political power and in offering armed resistance to the attacks of the Kuomintang government. All these undertakings were correct. However, owing to the “Left” views mentioned above, they were mistakenly afraid to acknowledge that the Red Army movement was a peasant movement led by the proletariat, and they mistakenly opposed what they called the “peculiar revolutionariness of the peasants”, “peasant capitalism” and “the rich peasant line”. Instead, they carried out a number of so-called “class-line” policies going beyond the democratic revolution, for instance, a policy of eliminating the rich peasant economy and other ultra-Left economic and labour policies; a state policy in which no exploiters had any political rights; a policy of popular education which in its content stressed communism; an ultra-Left policy towards the intellectuals; a policy of working among enemy troops to win over only the soldiers but not the officers; and an ultra-Left policy in the suppression of counter-revolutionaries. Thus, the immediate tasks of the revolution were distorted, the revolutionary forces were Army movement suffered setbacks. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 196.


例句 1:
The agrarian revolution in Hunan and Jiangxi soviet areas gradually deepened after the argument about land distribution and established the principle of equal distribution. Furtherly, it implemented the revolutionary class routh through anti-rich peasent campaign.

例句 2:
In fact, since the CCP began to occupy cities on a large scale at the end of 1947, the Central Committee of the CCP had started to make a conscious effort to strengthen its class line.

例句 3:
In respect of the rich peasants, they asserted that the economic foundation of rich peasants must be eliminated, and therefore asked the CPC Central Committee to uncompromisingly carry out the revolutionary class route of opposing rich peasants.





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