

字词 《穆勒笔记》


Comments on James Mill


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: xxxv.






1. 如果我们在研究中能够真实面对上述第一、二类文本,特别是深入到马克思很早就开始的经济学研究的一定的具体理论情境中去,并认真地考察马克思哲学思想发展的整体进程,就不难发现马克思的哲学建构历时性地存在着三个理论创造离峰期:一是1844年,其最重要的文本是青年马克思所建构的人本主义社会现象学的《巴黎笔记》中的《穆勒笔记》和《1844年手稿》;二是1845年1月到1846年12月,其最重要的文本是马克思的第一批马克思主义哲学文献,即创立广义历史唯物主义的《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》、《德意志意识形态》和《马克思致安年柯夫》;三是1847年到1858年,其最重要的文本是马克思建立在马克思主义狭义历史唯物主义学说和历史认识论之上的历史现象学的《1857—1858年经济学手稿》。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:18-19

1. By considering the first and second types of text discussed above, delving deeper into the specific theoretical circumstances of Marx’s earliest economics research, and investigating the complete developmental process of Marxist philosophy, we begin to see three high points of theoretical development in Marx’s philosophical structure. The first took place in 1844. Here, the most important works included Comments on Mill and the 1844 Manuscripts found in Paris Notes. These documents elucidate young Marx’s humanist social phenomenology. The second took place between January 1845 and December 1846. Its notable works included Marx’s first set of Marxist philosophical texts, specifically Theses on Feuerbach, The German Ideology, and Marx to Annenkov, three documents which established the general theory of historical materialism. The third high point took place between 1847 and 1858 and is represented by Grundrisse. This is where Marx first proposed historical phenomenology, a concept that he developed on the foundation of the special theory of historical materialism and historical epistemology. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxxv.

2. 以我现在的思路,青年马克思第一个人本主义经济异化逻辑构架的建构,是通过在《穆勒笔记》中所依次布展的三次重要的理论提升来实现的:对经济学理论的哲学评判、对人的真正的社会关系颠倒之经济学哲学反思、对劳动异化理论的初步哲学建构。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:176

2. According to my current views, the establishment of the logical framework of young Marx's humanist economic alienation took place in three important theoretical leaps contained in Comments on James Mill: philosophical criticism of economics theory, economic-philosophical reflection on the inversion of man’s true social relations, and the philosophical establishment of the theory of labor alienation. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 129.

3. 我认为,在青年马克思最初的经济学研究中,《穆勒笔记》是一部极为重要的文本,因为它真实呈现了青年马克思以哲学家的身份面对古典经济学时的某种逻辑突变,即试图从哲学人本主义的构架去批判资产阶级经济学。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:174

3. I believe that in young Marx’s early economics research, Comments on James Mill is an extremely important document, as it highlights the sudden shift in logic of Marx the philosopher when faced with classical economics. This shift was none other than the attempt to criticize bourgeois economics from the framework of philosophical humanism. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 127.


例句 1:
It can be found that divided by “Comments on James Mill, Éléments D’économie Politique”(“Comments on James Mill”), Karl Marx’s development of thought has experienced two different stages, of which the latter’s ideological level is higher than the former’s. The concept “practice” in the notebook II written in the second stage has been very similar to the scientific view of practice. Meanwhile, such a review and study also supports the bibliographical fact that “Comments on James Mill” had been written between the notebook I and the notebook II in time.

例句 2:

例句 3:





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