

字词 官房学(又作官房学派、官房主义、计臣学)


cameralistics;cameralism; cameralism school


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 357.
[2] 官方学派.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E5%AE%98%E6%88%BF%E5%AD%A6%E6%B4%BE


 官房,在欧洲的中世纪原指国家的会计室,中世纪以后指国库或泛指国王的财产。官房学是有关政治、经济知识的总称,包括财政学、国民经济学、私经济经营学和产业行政学等科学。当时德国各大学设官房学一科,主要是培养财务行政官吏和君主的财政顾问,故名官房学派。德国官房学派以1727年在哈雷大学和奥德大学设立官房学讲座为界限,分为旧官房学派和新官房学派。16-17世纪的德国处于封建国家向近代的统一国家过渡的阶段,由于各大小诸侯国和自由城市的各自割据,进行土地兼并与争夺城市的战争,德国经济遭到破坏,皇帝在政治经济上的实权,受到极大的限制。为了加强国家对财政经济活动的管理和控制,扩大财政收入,促进经济发展和国家富强,官房学派以重商主义的经济思想,阐明财政与国富有不可分割的联系。与英法重商主义思想有所不同,其基本思想是用政治权利谋求国家的经济统一,增加财政收入和增加国家经济实力。(官方学派.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E5%AE%98%E6%88%BF%E5%AD%A6%E6%B4%BE)该理论主张国家积极干预经济生活。它认为要使国家致富就需要积累金银货币,由此强调发展对外贸易和保持贸易顺差,鼓励本国商品出口,限制奢侈品进口和原料出口,奖励富裕的或有技术的外国人到本国定居等。它还主张增殖人口,认为只有人口众多,国家才能繁荣。主要代表人物有:达哲士(Joachim Geory Darjes,1714-1791),著有《官房主义初步原理》(1756);尤斯蒂(Johannes Heinrich Gottloh von Justi,1717-1771),著有《国家经济—— 经济学与财政学系统研究》(1755)、《财政学》(1766);霍尼克(Philipp Wilhelm von Hornick,1638-1712), 著有《奥地利富强论》(1684)。官房学对德国资产阶级国民经济学(历史学派)的形成和理论观点有重要影响。美国制度学派的研究方法在一定程度上也是继承和沿袭了这一思想传统。(胡代光,1996:3)


[1] 胡代光,高鸿业.现代西方经济学词典[Z].中国社会科学出版社,1996.
[2] 官方学派.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E5%AE%98%E6%88%BF%E5%AD%A6%E6%B4%BE


1. 最后,即使一种公开而坦率的言论突破了上文所说的一切障碍,一反常规地被刊登在报纸上,它也会被视为违反常规的现象,并在事后遭到取缔。关于这一点,也同样有一件事实可以证明。几年前,波恩的官房学教授考夫曼在《莱茵—摩泽尔日报》上发表了一篇“论摩泽尔河沿岸地区葡萄种植者的贫困状况”的文章,在三个月内,各种公开发行的报刊转载了这篇文章,以后该文就被王国行政区政府查禁了,而且这个禁令现在实际上仍然有效。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)》,1960:389

1. Finally, yet another fact can be adduced to show that when a public and frank discussion did overcome all the above-mentioned obstacles and by way of exception managed to get into the columns of a newspaper, it was treated as an exception and subsequently suppressed. Several years ago an article by Herr Kaufmann, professor of cameralistics at Bonn University, "on the distressed state of the vine-growers in the Mosel region, etc." was printed in the Rheinund Mosel-Zeitung. After three months, during which it had been reprinted in various newspapers, it was banned by order of the government and the ban is still in force. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 357.

2. 最后,在从理论方面研究这门学科的学究和官僚中,有像劳先生那样干瘪而无批判能力的采集家;有像施泰因先生那样把外国的原理译成没有弄懂的黑格尔语言的自作聪明的思辨哲学家;或者有像黎尔先生那样在“文化史”方面舞文弄墨拾人唾余的人。从这一切最终得出的是官房学,这是一种浇上了一些折衷主义经济学调味汁的无所不包的大杂烩,对于准备应考官职的人倒是有用的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十三卷)》,1962:525

2. Finally, among the schoolmasters and bureaucrats who had to handle the theoretical aspect of the subject there were desiccated and uncritical herbarium collectors, like Herr Rau, would-be clever speculators who translated foreign propositions into undigested Hegelian language, like Herr Stein, or gleaners with literary pretensions in the field of the "history of culture", like Herr Riehl. The outcome of all this was cameralistics, a hotchpotch of sundry trivialities sprinkled with an eclectic economic sauce, the sort of stuff a junior civil servant might find useful to remember during his final examination. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 16), 1980: 466.

3. 我虽然收到过你两次来信(你看,它们是屈指可数的),但还是不知道你的学习计划,而这点正是我所极感兴趣的。我看得出来,你没有修自然史专业,如果物理和化学真的讲授得不好,那么,你最好在柏林修完它们。不过,在我看来,听听官房学概论是适宜的,因为对将来必得要学的东西有个一般概念,总是件好事。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十卷)》,1982:836

3. In spite of your two letters (you see, they can be counted), I still do not know your study plan, which of course is of great interest to me. This much I do see, that you are not going in for any branch of natural history, and if physics and chemistry are really so badly taught, you will indeed do better to attend these courses in Berlin. Only a general introduction into cameralistics, it seems to me, would be expedient, because it is always useful to have a general idea of what one will have to do some day. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 650.


例句 1:
Based on some rare contracts of House Transaction and related materials, the author tries to answer the following questions:What the responsibilities of the official brokers were, how it was transformed, how long a broker served, where they played the role, and what the shortcomings of the brokers were.





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