

字词 快感




Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 425.


快感,指愉快或舒服的感觉,审美感受之一。在古希腊,“快感”被认为和爱与美的女神阿佛洛狄忒有关,人们将名词化的形容词“taaphrodisia”(阿佛狄洛特)与“快感”一词等同起来。在西方思想史上,快感与美感的关系,是美学的基本问题之一。柏拉图在晚年的《斐莱布篇》中指出:“那些由于颜色、图形、大多数气味、声音而产生的快感是真的……我认为这样的事物是美的,但它们与其他大部分事物不一样,大部分事物的美是相对的,而这些事物的本质永远是美的,它们所承载的美是它们特有的,与瘙痒所产生的快乐完全不一样”(柏拉图,2003:239)。在他看来,美感是纯洁的、崇高的,精神的愉悦;而快感则是肮脏的、粗鄙的、肉体的刺激。尼采提出了“酒神精神”,将古希腊祭祀酒神狄奥尼索斯的狂欢节里情绪亢奋、癫狂的性放纵和肉欲的狂喜体验当作艺术能带来的最高强度的快感,这种快感使得权力意志与肉体实践构成了对艺术和美的渴望。巴赫金从尼采的传统出发,提出了“狂欢化理论”,指出快感并不局限于身体的范围,还可以在更大的社会空间与环境中展开。弗洛伊德对性本能和“唯乐原则”的论述指出,就快感本性而言,它是强烈的、无节制的,它势必冲毁人类文明的城墙,使文化沦为自然,人类的文明与文化要求快乐原则服从现实原则。拉康将快感分为可满足的快感(jouissance obtained)和只能期待的快感(jouissance expected)(杜晓红,2011:1-4)。


[1] 柏拉图.柏拉图全集(第三卷)[J].王晓朝译.人民出版社,2003.
[2] 杜晓红.电视文化中的“快感”问题研究[D].苏州大学,2011.


1. 令人称奇的还有,齐泽克竟然说“拉康的剩余快感(surplus enjoyment)概念是模仿马克思的剩余价值概念而来的”。他有鼻子有眼地说,马克思的剩余价值概念有力地佐证了拉康作为剩余快感化身的“对象a” 的存在。“这一证据,马克思在他的一个决定性的表述中已经提供过了,那是在《资本论》第三卷,当马克思指明资本主义的逻辑和历史的限度时:‘资本的限制就是资本本身,即资本主义生产方式’。”——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:326

1. More surprisingly, Zizek believes that the concept of Lacan’s surplus enjoyment imitates Marx’s surplus value. He provides the proof that “the logic of the Lacanian objet petit a as the embodiment of surplus-enjoyment is already provided by the decisive formula used by Marx, in the third volume of Capital, to designate the logical-historical limit of capitalism: ‘the limit of capital is capital itself, i.e. the capitalist mode of production.’” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 425-426.

2. 齐泽克认为,通过可乐这个例子,我们就可以弄清三个关键性要领的内在联系:马克思主义的剩余价值概念,作为剩余快感(拉康曾直接参考马克思的剩余价值而详细阐述过这个概念)的拉康的对象a的概念以及弗洛伊德在很久以前就认识到的超我悖论(the paradox of the superego):你喝的可乐越多,你就越渴;你得的利润越多,你就越想得到更多;你越顺从超我命令,你就越有罪。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:331

2. According to Zizek, the example of Coke displays the intrinsic linkage of three crucial elements: that of Marxist surplus-value, that of the Lacanian objet petit α as surplus-enjoyment (the concept that Lacan elaborated with direct reference to Marxian surplus-value, and the paradox of the superego, perceived long ago by Freud: the more Coke you drink, the thirstier you are; the more profit you make, the more you want; the more you obey the superego command, the guiltier you are. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 432.

3. 尽管利奥塔的辛辣尖刻令人不快——倘若只是根本不存在对工业化的反抗,不过这种反抗显然存在,但是他确实唤出了一些困扰着马克思主义的现代世界历史观的幽灵。“快感”可能并不是最恰当的词语,但是至少可以说工业化——尤其是它的早期阶段——给吸引着人们的英国社会带来了一种“兴奋”(excitement)感,即使它确实造成了大量的个人痛苦。(不管我们承不承认,战争常常具有带来相同的兴奋效应。)——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:171

3. Unpleasant though Lyotard’s diatribe is—if it were that simple there would have been no resistance to industrialisation at all, and there patently was--it does conjure up some spectres to disturb Marxism’s version of modern world history. ‘Enjoyment’ may not be the most appropriate word, but it is at least arguable that industrialisation, particularly in its earlier stages, communicated a sense of excitement to English society that drew people in, even if it did involve a large amount of personal suffering. (Wars very often have the same effect of inducing excitement, whether we like to acknowledge it or not.) -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 110.


例句 1:
The core concept of Slavoj Zizek, who is a philosopher in Slovenia, is “Enjoyment”, and his theory of psychoanalytic ideologies is gradually formed in the process of the agglutinate of this concept.

例句 2:
Ideology is not simplistic but complex and changeable. The process that the ruling class pursue ideology by consumer culture is also the process that the ruled class avoid or fight against ideology, a process they constructing their own cultural  significance and search for the delight.

例句 3:
曾繁仁以马克思主义唯物实践观为指导,以审美经验现象学为方法,阐发了经验与实践、经验与主体、经验与想象、经验与表现、经验与快感、经验与接受、经验与心理学、经验与真理、经验与对象的关系。——《新时期美学创新的典范—— 论曾繁仁美学思想》,上海师大学博士学位论文,2010
Zeng Fan-Ren take the Marxism materialistic practice view as the instruction, has explained the relations between the experience and the practice, the experience and the subject, the experience and the imagination, the experience and the performance, the experience and the pleasant sensation, the experience and acceptance, the experience and the psychology, the experience and the truth, the experience and the object in t





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