

字词 德行(道德品质和道德行为的简称)


moral character and moral action; virtue; morality


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:668, 671.
[2] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 350-351, 497.


德行是道德品质和道德行为的简称。语出《易·节》:“君子以制数度,议德行。” 历史上各种伦理学说都根据其所代表的社会或阶级的道德原则和规范,提出相应的道德品质的范畴体系。如中国古代的儒家,提出了以 “仁”为核心的,包括“智、仁、勇”,“恭、宽、信、敏、惠”和“温、良、恭、俭、让”等道德品质的范畴体系。同人的其他品质或品性相比,道德品质的一般特征是综合体现一定社会或阶级的道德要求,高度凝结着个人自觉的意志和信念,并因此表现为道德行为总体的稳定倾向(via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=WLq_1WX2Y1q6YoCf_64gbH7StywAk4QPuEv9keDEVXx_Q_6TsekG61F5ZkgJOgV2ouyAE8DMEPHNwxOGtRARa_)。马克思主义伦理学认为,现实社会关系状况是道德品质形成和发展的客观基础,参加社会实践是道德品质形成和发展的根本途径,个人的主观努力和自我修养是道德品质形成和发展的内在条件。道德行为是指在一定的道德意识支配下表现出来的对待他人和社会的有道德意义的活动。它是人的道德认识的外在具它是人的品德作评价依据的外在具体表现,是实现道德动机的手段,与“非道德行为”相对。包括道德的行为和不道德的行为两大类,前者指符合一定的道德原则和规范,被人们肯定的道德行为;后者指违背一定的道德原则和规范,被人们否定的道德行为。不同时代、民族、社会和阶级对这两类行为有不同的标准(via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=COO7PpPSTo1Dl-hNForqqKfRNGrmacD5fcG9Y01OjOu9qjk91UTIEzc1kMcyoFg7igaUAIvmTeSCxvDPByimA_)。


[1] via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=WLq_1WX2Y1q6YoCf_64gbH7StywAk4QPuEv9keDEVXx_Q_6TsekG61F5ZkgJOgV2ouyAE8DMEPHNwxOGtRARa_
[2] via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=COO7PpPSTo1Dl-hNForqqKfRNGrmacD5fcG9Y01OjOu9qjk91UTIEzc1kMcyoFg7igaUAIvmTeSCxvDPByimA_


1. “但是很多人说:‘当妨碍我们建设的旧制度还存在着的时候,我们怎能建设新的生活呢?难道不应该早些破坏它吗?’最有智慧、最有德行和最神圣的人回答说:‘绝不应当。绝不应当。如果你和别人共同住在一所房子里,它已经陈旧了,并且使你感到拥挤和不舒适,可是你的邻居仍然希望住在里面,那末你就不要拆毁它,也不要住在露天,而首先给自己盖一所新的住所,当它建成以后,就可以迁居到里面去,让旧的房屋去听天由命’。” ——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:639-640

1. “But there will be many who will say: ‘How shall we build a new life as long as the old order prevails and hinders us? Must it not first be destroyed?’ ‘By no means,’ answers the wisest, the most virtuous and the most blissful man. ‘By no means. If ye dwell with others in a house that has become rotten and is too small and uncomfortable for you, and the others wish to remain in it, then ye shall not pull it down and dwell in the open, but ye shall first build a new house, and when it is ready ye shall enter it and abandon the old to its fate’”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 539.

2. 为了证明自己的观点,鲍德里亚还直接引述了马克思在《哲学的贫困》中关于“交换价值体系的谱系”的论述,或者叫商品经济发展的三个阶段:一是古代和封建社会中,交换只限于剩余产品,而大多数产品都在商品和交换之外;二是资本主义社会发展起来之后,整个“工业”都在交换之中是商品交换的普遍化阶段,过去处于商品交换之外的东西,如德行、爱情、知识和良心,都成了变卖的对象。鲍德里亚并不反对马克思的这个划分,在他看来,有问题的只是马克思对第三个阶段的基本定性,因为不是什么商品交换关系对其他领域的渗透,而是一个“新型的社会关系”发生作用的阶段。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读(第二卷)》,2007:265

2. He further cites three phases of the mode of exchange value system, or the development of commodity economy, in Marx’s Poverty of Philosophy: first, in ancient and feudal societies, exchange is limited to surplus products, while the majority of objects are beyond the scope of commodities and exchange; second, since the capitalist development, the whole “industry” is within exchange; third, the universalization of commodity exchange, in which everything becomes exchangeable, including those beyond the sphere of commodity exchange in the past, for example, “virtue, love, conviction, knowledge, conscience, etc.” Baudrillard agrees to this division but discovers a problem in Marx's third phase, in which it is not some penetration into other spheres by the relation of commodity exchange, but a phase during which the “new social relation” takes effect. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 350-351.

3. 我觉得,这是一种逻辑构架中的不要脸性。或者前面我们已经读到的布尔乔亚新保守主义的无赖性。它不再执守伦理,倒“更像是服务于非道德的道德本身——犬儒主义的典范就是把正直和诚实看成最高形式的欺骗、把德行看成是最高形式的放荡、把真理看成是谎言的最有效的形式”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读(第二卷)》,2007:387

3. I think that it is the shamelessness in the logical structure. (Or, the knavishness of the bourgeois neo-conservatism we encountered before.) It does not follow ethics, and is “more like morality itself put in the service of immorality—the model of cynical wisdom is to conceive probity, integrity, as a supreme form of dishonesty, and morals as a supreme form of profligacy, the truth as the most effective form of a lie.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 497.


例句 1:
Virtue and morality are a pair of important concepts that are related but also differ both in East and West ethical ideology.

例句 2:
Virtue is moral behavior, virtue is the quality of morality.

例句 3:
Civic virtue, as a natural out-growth of human empathy, helps to counterbalance the moral rationalism prevailing in a free and competitive society.





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