

字词 走转改
释义 go to grass-roots level, improve working style and change the style of writing
“走转改”是中宣部等五部门决定在新闻战线开展的“走基层、转作风、改文风”的缩略。“走转改”要求“新闻要接地气(offer down-to-earth news)”,“报道有人气(write popular and well-received reports)”,做到贴近群众、贴近生活、紧扣时代脉搏(be close to the masses and real life, and closely follow the pulse of the times)的口号。记者们热烈响应,纷纷走出高楼大厦、文山会海(piles of documents and numerous meetings),走出娱乐圈(entertainment circle),深入田间地头、村寨厂矿,亲身体验百姓劳作,与百姓促膝交谈,了解真正的民声、民情和民意(the voice, feelings and wishes of the people),真心融入普通群众的工作与生活(identify themselves with common people in their work and life whole-heartedly),报道了各行各业第一线的普通职工许多平凡而感人的事迹。新闻工作者扎根基层、扎根群众(take root in grassroots and the masses)的做法保证新闻的源头活水(flowing water from the source),被称为“带着露珠的新闻(news with dewdrops)”。




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