

字词 科学方法论


scientific methodology


Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 28.


科学方法论是研究人类认识自然和改造自然的一般方法的理论体系。主要探索:各种一般方法的内容、结构、作用、规律性、运用范围和发展趋势;各种方法的相互关系;科学思维的基本原理和形式;科学方法论体系的整体结构和逻辑顺序;各种方法建立的哲学基础及局限性等(中国百科大辞典编委会,1990:63)。科学方法论有广义狭义之分。狭义的仅指自然科学方法论即研究自然科学中的一般方法,如观察法、实验法、数学方法等。广义的则指哲学方法论,即研究一切科学的最普遍的方法。20世纪随着自然科学的发展出现了许多新方法,如控制论方法、信息方法、系统方法等,促进了方法论研究的高度发展(科学方法论.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v48642.htm?fromTitle=科学方法论)。科学方法论愈来愈显示出它在科学认识中确立新的研究方向、探索各部门的新生长点、提示科学思维的基本原理和形式的作用。唯物辩证法是从人类的实践中总结和概括出来的正确的哲学方法,是科学研究的普遍的方法论。它对自然科学的一般研究方法起指导作用。并将随着科学实践的发展而发展。科学方法论的历史形态,从科学发展的整个历史来看,有4种形态:自然哲学方法论、哲学方法论、逻辑方法论和理论方法论(科学方法论.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=GxgL5iNhBvTQ4l3edK7aXKczittfvVQDuncLZwDTG3hAZKSAzhamVX2Kvcd4vdTERV6B_fNIcRUn4fkaMowpeK)。


[2]科学方法论.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v48642.htm?fromTitle=科学方法论
[3]科学方法论.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=GxgL5iNhBvTQ4l3edK7aXKczittfvVQDuncLZwDTG3hAZKSAzhamVX2Kvcd4vdTERV6B_fNIcRUn4fkaMowpeK


1. 卢卡奇认识到德国古典哲学对马克思主义的重要性,这是一种难能可贵的立场。在1914年以前的那些年里,他就完全投入到围绕下述主题所展开的论辩中:新康德学派的衰亡、现象学的兴起,以及直觉主义和浪漫主义倾向日益增长的影响。所有这些思潮都是反对自然科学方法论所占据的主导地位的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:165

1. Lukács was in a rare position to appreciate the importance of classical German philosophy for Marxism. In the years before 1914 he had fully assimilated the debates surrounding the demise of the neo-Kantian school, the beginnings of phenomenology, and the growing influence of intuitionist and romantic tendencies, a11 of which currents were reacting against the primacy attached to the methodology of the natural sciences. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 173-174.

2. 除去基始性的物质生产与再生产这一不能否定的一般社会存在前提之外,在1845以后的创立了历史唯物主义的马克思这里,任何概念都是具体的历史的现实的规定,他总是分析一定历史条件下的物质生产状况,一定的自然环境.一定的观念,以及一定的人与人之间的作用关系。这是马克思在1846年致安年柯夫的信中已经确定的“一定的历史的暂时的历史情境”的科学方法论和历史认识论。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:237

2. Except the premise for the existence of common society, the basic material production and reproduction, is specific; historical and actual stipulation after historical materialism was established in 1845. He always analyzes the material production status in a given historical condition, a certain natural environment, certain conceptions and certain relations between people, which is the scientific “historical and transitory” methodology and historiography established in the 1846 “Letter from Marx to Pavel Vasilyevich Annenkov.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 317.

3. 处于资产阶级社会大工业新时代之中的李嘉图的科学方法论是从斯密的后一种方法论线索萌生出来的,并由此形成了一个古典经济学方法论的新层级:真正的科学抽象的方法。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:56

3. Living in a new era of bourgeois society defined by large-scale industry, Ricardo, developed his scientific methodology from Smith’s methodology, which was based on the internal relations within the bourgeois economics system. In doing so, he reached a new methodological level of classical economics: a truly scientifically abstract methodology. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 28.


例句 1:
The practice of social sciences research is an important procedure which can promote the prosperous development of social science. We should make a combination between Marxist philosophy and social sciences research. In order to set up basic principles and found system info of social sciences research, we should put it into analyzing the current social situation. 

例句 2:
As an important branch of logic, inductive logic since its born time has held a close relation with scientific methodology. With the in-depth study, inductive logic theory has been revised and improved. As a scientific method, inductive logic has increasingly consolidated its status in scientific methodology system, and has growing highlighted its role in scientific understanding and scientific practice.

例句 3:
The exploratory construction of this article is built up combining traditional theory of M





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