字词 | 法西斯主义 |
释义 | 法西斯主义【英】Fascism译文来源McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998:151. 定义法西斯主义是一种政治哲学,强调国家至高无上的权力和国家荣誉不可侵犯,是由民族主义、种族歧视、极权主义、国家价值主义的中心意义合体而成。他们歌颂军事美德而诋毁自由及民主,歧视不同于自己的人。法西斯主义是西方国家在陷入经济大危机的困境后的产物。政治、经济和社会动荡的加剧,失业人数的剧增,导致生活处境恶化、不满现状的中间阶层的情绪空前膨胀,要求政府寻求新的统治对策以及更为中央集权的经济控制、和准备重新划分世界的战争的需要,促成了法西斯的产生和发展。20世纪的法西斯主义的兴起是因为他们对共产主义的恐惧。他们的支持者都拥有鲜明性格(本尼托·墨索里尼,阿道夫·希特勒,佛朗西格·佛朗哥,东条英机),认为自己身为国家的一员就必须奉献出价值。在二战时期的社会混乱导致的法西斯主义的兴起和掌权。他们相信国家是神圣的,可以牺牲自己的性命来维护国家的荣耀(如日本后期的所谓“一亿玉碎”和“特攻作战”),个人的意志服从国家,严厉镇压异己分子(如纳粹德国臭名昭著的盖世太保)。但是这种主义经常不完整而且不民主。 定义来源法西斯主义.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/3698413-3886624.html 例句1. 虽然斯大林主义在苏联的出现窒息了对马克思主义理论的独创性思考,但它却激发出一种高度独创性的贡献,这就是托洛茨基对苏联的批评。这一批判连同他对法西斯主义的真知灼见的分析,是他在流放中潜心钻研的成果。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:141 1. Although the advent of Stalinism in the Soviet Union stifled original thinking about Marxist theory, it did provoke one highly original contribution: Trotsky’s critique of the Soviet Union which, along with his insightful analysis of Fascism, was his main preoccupation in exile. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 151. 2. 西方马克思主义常常被指责为主要是一种智识追求,更关注哲学争论,而不是实际的政治斗争。人们可以说,在最抽象的意义上,它依然处于解释世界的层面,未能达到改变世界的层次,因此不符合马克思的哲学观。安德森把这一发展线索追溯到两次大战期间法西斯主义和斯大林主义的传播,这种传播的组合效果切断了西欧马克思主义运动中理论与实践之间的关联。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:119 2. Western Marxism is often accused of being a primarily intellectual pursuit, more concerned with philosophical disputation than actual political struggle. One could say that, at its most abstract, it remains at the level of interpreting the world rather than changing it, thus falling short of Marx’s vision for philosophy. Anderson traces this line of development back to the spread of fascism and Stalinism in the inter-war years, the combined effect of which was to cut the links between theory and practice in Western European Marxist movements. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 77. 3. 法兰克福学派最显赫的成就在美学领域。他们在美国的经历——在那里,通过大众文化的传播而不是使用恐怖手段实现了社会达成一致的目标——增进了他对文化的兴趣。在他们看来,大众文化与法西斯主义的共同之处,就在于利用或创造个人的需要来逐渐取消公共领域与私人领域之间的差别,以利于支撑一种特殊的统治制度。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,1998:277 3. The most impressive achievement of the Frankfurt School1ay in the field of aesthetics. Their interest in culture was strengthened by their experience of the United States in the achievement there of conformism by the dissemination of mass culture rather than the use of terror. What mass culture had in common with Fascism, in their view, was an increasing abolition of the distinction between the private and public spheres by exploiting or creating needs in the individual in order to support a particular system of domination.-Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 2001: 291. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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