字词 | 杜马 |
释义 | 杜马【英】The Duma译文来源Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 246. 定义“杜马”一词,是俄文(дума)音译,意为“议会”;而Дума又来源于俄文动词думать,意为“思考”。沙皇俄国原是封建专制国家,1905年爆发革命运动后,沙皇尼古拉二世为缓和政治危机,于同年9—10月间宣布召集“国家杜马”,赐予一定权力。1906年和1907年,产生了第一、第二届国家杜马,但随后不久就被解散。后来又产生了第三、第四届国家杜马,其权力都不大,但名义上是国家的议会。1917年十月革命胜利后,苏联建立了“议行合一”的苏维埃制度。1993年,俄罗斯又恢复“国家杜马”的称呼。俄罗斯的国家杜马是1993年建立的。在此之前,俄沿用苏联时期的办法。苏联的议会是“人民代表苏维埃”,其常设机构是两院制的“最高苏维埃”,内分联盟院和民族院。1988年,苏联进行改革,“人民代表苏维埃”改称为“苏联人民代表大会”,其常设机构依然称“最高苏维埃”。当时,俄罗斯也照此办理,建立了“俄联邦人民代表大会”,其常设机构是“俄联邦最高苏维埃”。1993年10月俄罗斯发生“炮打白宫”事件后,叶利钦总统宣布废除苏维埃制度,建立新的联邦议会,其上院称“联邦委员会”,其下院即“国家杜马”(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5429581-5667829.html)。总体来说,杜马是沙皇俄国时期中央和地方的咨议机关,可分为三类。第一类大贵族杜马即波雅尔杜马,15至17世纪俄国贵族的咨议机构,初由王公掌握,后为沙皇控制。第二类城市杜马,十月革命前俄国的市参议会。1785年成立,由等级制代表组成,十月革命后解散。第三类为国家杜马,它是沙皇俄国的国家代议机构。1906年成立,初为咨询机关,后改为立法机关,十月革命前夕解散。1993年12月起俄罗斯议会中的下院称国家杜马(刘本旺,2014:35)。 定义来源[1] 杜马.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5429581-5667829.html 例句1. 在解散杜马和七月人民运动,失败以后,某些反革命情绪在民主派中间的新表现就是,社会革命党右翼从社会革命党中彻底分离出来,成立了半立宪民主党的“人民社会”党。在第一次高潮即大高潮以后,也就是在10-12月以后,立宪民主党 人脱离了富有战斗性和斗争性的民主派。在第二次高潮即小高潮以后,也就是在5-6月以后,人民社会党人也开始脱离富有战斗性和斗争性的民主派。——《列宁全集(第十四卷)》,1988:43 1. After the dissolution of the Duma and the failure of the popular movements in July, a novelty in counter-revolutionary sentiment among the democrats was the definite secession of the Right wing of the Socialist-Revolutionaries, the formation of the semi-Cadet “Popular Socialist” Party. After the first and major upsurge of October-December, the Cadets dropped out of the ranks of militant, fighting democrats. After the second smaller upsurge of May-June, the Popular Socialists began to drop out. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1972: 246-247. 2. 所以他们甚至在梦里也害怕人民革命,并大谈其所谓“绥靖俄国”。既然如此,也就难怪这些倒霉的“活动家”对于所谓国家杜马抱着莫大的希望,大家知道,沙皇杜马根本就否定人民革命,而这对于我国自由资产者极其有利。大家知道,沙皇杜马给予富裕资产阶级“某种”活动地盘,而这对于我国自由资产者是极其需要的。这就说明为什么他们把自己的全部“纲领”和全部活动都寄托在杜马的存在上面,杜马一垮台,他们的一切“计划”势必跟着破产。——《斯大林全集(第一卷)》:134-135 2. That is why they are haunted by the people’s revolution even in their sleep and talk so much about “pacifying Russia”. It is not surprising, after this, that these luckless “personages” placed such great hopes on the so-called State Duma. As we know, the tsarist Duma is the negation of the people’s revolution, and this is very much to the advantage of our liberal bourgeoisie. As we know, the tsarist Duma provides “some slight” field of activity for the wealthy bourgeoisie, and this is exactly what our bourgeois liberals need so much. That is why they base their entire “programme” and the conduct of all their activities in the assumption that the Duma will exist- the bankruptcy of the Duma would inevitably lead to the collapse of all their “plans”. -Quoted from J. V. Stalin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1953: 183. 3. 他为什么忽略了这些东西呢?这是因为,作为立宪民主党人,他没有能力觉察到,或者说他害怕承认,立宪民主党杜马已经落后于广大的人民群众。杜马不是领导觉悟的农民群众为土地和自由而斗争,而是落在农民后面,缩小农民斗争的规模。杜马落在无产阶级后面有多远就用不着说了。立宪民主党杜马不是农民群众和工人阶级的领袖,而是幻想既能同右派联合又能得到左派同情的“崇高的”中间人。立宪民主党杜马就是立宪民主党人用杜马制造出来的东西。——《列宁全集(第十三卷)》,1987:80 3. Why has he overlooked this? Because, being a Cadet, he is unable to see, or is afraid to admit, that the Cadet Duma is behind the broad masses of the people. The Duma is not leading the masses of the politically conscious peasants in the struggle for land and freedom. It is lagging behind the peasants, restricting the range of their struggle. Needless to say how far the Duma is lagging behind the proletariat. The Cadet Duma is not the leader of the peasant masses and of the working class, but a “high-minded” mediator, dreaming of an alliance on the right and of sympathy from the lift. The Cadet Duma is what the Cadets have made of the Duma. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 10), 1987: 397. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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