

字词 超验


transcendence; transcendent; transcendental


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:7.
[2] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. London: The Merlin Press Ltd, 1971: 15.
[3] Transcendence. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcendence


英文“超验”在经院哲学中,主要指经验界限之外的;德文“超验”在康德的哲学中,同内在相对,意为超出一切可能的经验之上,非人的认识能力所能达到,上帝和不朽的灵魂等。在康德那里,“超验的”也即超越经验的,这是由于它超越于经验之外且不可能运用于经验。超验的性质属于理性的理念而不是知性的范畴。超验的运用一方面立足于它所设想的超出一切经验束缚的“全新的基地”而给知性的认识活动提供理性的合目的的统一性的展望,因而在主观的“一切估计”中有其“内在的运用”;另一方面,当这种超验的运用不仅仅是为了给一切可能经验的知识提供一个统一的整体,而是“要求人们跨越”经验的限制去建立理性本身的“全新基地”时,“先验的理念”就成为“超验的理念”(die transzendentale idee)了,也即康德在书中指出的那样“它们是超验的,是超出一切经验的界限的,所以在经验中永远不会有一个和先验理念相符合的对象出现”(康德,2008:279)。在康德那里,本体是超验的世界,如果试图以经验世界的认知逻辑来切入理解超验世界,就会因“超越”而使理性陷入“二律背反”(Antinomy)。超验世界不是知识或者纯粹理性的对象,而是意志或实践理性的必要假设。




1. 实际上倒不如说是这样:正因为哲学过去只是事物现状的超验的、抽象的表现,正由于它自己的这种超验性和抽象性,由于它在想像中独立于世界之外,所以它一定要幻想它高高地超越于事物的现状和现实的人之上;另一方面,因为哲学过去并没有真正独立于世界之外,所以它也就未能对世界做出任何真正的判决,未能对世界使用任何真正的鉴别力,也就是说,未能实际地干预事物的进程,而至多只是不得不满足于inabstracto(抽象形式的)实践。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:49

1. However, it seems rather that philosophy, precisely because it was only the transcendent, abstract expression of the actual state of things, by reason of its transcendentalism and abstraction, by reason of its imaginary difference from the world, must have imagined it had left the actual state of things and real human beings far below itself. On the other hand, it seems that because philosophy was not really different from the world it could not pronounce any real judgment on it, it could not bring any real differentiating force to bear on it and could therefore not interfere practically, but had to be satisfied at most with a practice in abstracto. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 40.

2. 这就是说,科学了解的一主的经济总体前生产和再生产,必定变成一定的社会总体的生产和再生产过程。在这个变化过程中,“纯”经济自然被超越,尽管这不是说我们必须求助于任何超验的力量。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:80

2. That is to say, the production and reproduction of a particular economic totality, which science hopes to understand, is necessarily transformed into the process of production and reproduction of a particular social tota1ity; in the course of this transformation, ‘pure’ economics are naturally transcended, though this does not mean that we must appeal to any transcendental forces. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 15.

3. 根据这种说法,“感性的直观能力(它为知性形式提供了内容),从根本上来说只是一种接受表象以某种形式结以前刺激的能力而已......这些表象的非感性原因是我们完全不知道的,而我们也不能将它们作为客体而加以直观......然而我们可将现象的理念的原西一般称作超验的客体”,目前只是为了使“我们具有和作为接受能力的感性相一致的东西。”——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:183

3. Above all in the form sometimes given to it by Kant, according to which: “the sensuous faculty of intuition (which furnishes the forms of understanding with content) is in reality only a receptive quality, a capacity for being affected in a certain way by ideas… The non-sensuous cause of these ideas is wholly unknown to us and we are therefore unable to intuit it as an object… However, we can call the merely intelligible cause of phenomena in general the transcendental object, simply so that we should have something which corresponds to sensuousness as receptivity." -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 115.


例句 1:
In fact, Marx’s philosophy looks the contradiction between transcendent and empirical in order to check the world, then to resolve it logically and historically in practice. 

例句 2:
The thesis consists of three parts. The first part mainly details Isabel’s transcendental idea, which exemplifies James’s positive attitude towards transcendentalism.

例句 3:
With the two-way effects, individuals in various cultural forms will be able to shake off the external shackles and reach a general understanding of transcendental existence, thus develop from pursuing alienation like money,etc. to seeking the true substance of life. So they will regain the sense of transcendent beauty and life.





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