字词 | 权威主义 |
释义 | 权威主义【英】authoritarianism译文来源[1]Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 1. 定义指不容忍的、不通融的、注重权威和服从关系的政治文化、政治结构和政治性格。最先由德国学者阿多诺在其《权威主义的个性》(1950)一书中提出。阿多诺认为权威主义在社会生活中有九种相互交叉重叠而又联系松散的表现:①传统的因袭,指迂腐地信守传统的、中产阶级的价值观念。②对权威的屈从,指对集团中理想化的道德权威持不加批判的服从态度。③攻击性,指倾向于搜寻、谴责、抵制和惩罚那些违反传统价值标准的人们。④反对内部产生新思想,指反对空想,想象。⑤迷信陈规,相信个人命运是由神秘的因素所决定的,主张按照僵硬的公式来思考问题。⑥权力欲与“手腕”,念念不忘统治与从属、强大与弱小、领袖与追随者之类关系;以权威人物自居,过分主张力量和强硬的手腕。⑦破坏性和愤世嫉俗,对人类具有普遍的敌意和贬低。⑧投射性,倾向于相信野蛮的、恐怖的事物将在世界上继续存在下去;无意识的情绪冲动向外投射。⑨性欲,过分关心性行为(陈国强,1990:172)。权威主义把社会看作是一个等级组织,一个在单一统治或单一统治集团下的特殊的支配链。支配、服从和秩序高于自由、统一和参与的价值。虽然权威主义国家里也可能存在民主的因素,但它几乎没有实际的作用。国家立法机关通常只是个“橡皮图章”,用来批准统治集团的提议。权威主义统治者的理论与实践由路易十六做了很好的表达,宣称“朕即国家”。(罗斯金等,2001:76)。权威主义认为统治者可以不顾法律和人民的意愿,只按自己意志实行统治。在现代社会,权威主义表现为各种形式的专政,认为这样可以提供安全和秩序,反对自由主义的个人主义,因压制个性和侵犯人权而受到广泛的批判(王邦佐,2009:252)。 定义来源[1]陈国强.简明文化人类学词典[Z].浙江人民出版社,1990. 例句1. 现在,马克思主义在西方普遍被视为一种声誉扫地的思想体系,背负着威权主义与极权主义的负担,而威权主义和极权主义并不符合当前对(在理论和政治上)文化多元主义和自由主义的信奉。作为一种特定的理论立场,后马克思主义本身形成于拉克劳和墨菲的著作中。本书不仅追溯了后马克思主义的这种形成过程,而且还思考了这样一种发展如何必然出现在后结构主义、后现代主义和第二波女性主义(经典马克思主义传统本身内部的各种运动提供了一定的帮助)的发展之后。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:1 1. Marxism is now generally regarded in the West as a discredited system of thought, carrying with it a burden of authoritarianism and totalitarianism at odds with the current commitment (theoretical as well as political) to cultural pluralism and libertarianism. This study traces the crystallisation of post-Marxism as a specific theoretical position in its own right in the work of Laclau and Mouffe, going on to consider how such a development came to be all but necessary in the wake of the growth of poststructuralism, postmodernism, and second-wave feminism (with a certain amount of help from movements within the classical Marxist tradition itself). -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 1. 2. 由于他们的“游牧思想”(nomad thought),德勒兹和加塔里是直接攻击启蒙思想的解决问题的体系精神的代表。游牧思想试图通过创造意想不到的联系来保持各种体系的开放;德勒兹和加塔里所倡导的是块茎模式,这在《反俄狄浦斯》中就是“革命者马克思与疯子尼采之间的对抗”。马克思主义和精神分析都象征着我们文化当中创造权威主义的一种具体倾向,因而德勒兹和加塔里开始中断这一倾向,拒绝提供那样的思想体系。在像阿尔都塞这样的思想家正在努力分离出马克思思想的科学“本质”的思想环境下,德勒兹和加塔里的无政府主义文化分析路径具有高度的颠覆性。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:176 2. With their ‘nomad thought’, Deleuze and Guattari represent a direct attack on the systematic, problem-solving ethos of the Enlightenment. Nomad thought seeks to keep systems open by making unexpected connections; the rhizomatic model favoured by the authors, which in the case of Anti-Oedipus means a ‘confrontation, between Marx the revolutionary and Nietzsche the madman’.34 Marxism and psychoanalysis are symbolic of a particular trend in our culture that results in authoritarianism, and Deleuze and Guattari set out to disrupt this, refusing to offer a system of thought as such. In the context of an intellectual milieu in which thinkers like Althusser are trying to isolate the scientific ‘essence’ of Marx’s thought, there is a highly subversive quality to Deleuze and Guattari’s anarchic approach to cultural analysis. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 113. 3. 总体性再一次被等同于政治压制和权威主义,并且批判实在论是对解放的辩护;不过,重要的是要注意到,对巴斯卡来说,总体存在“好坏”之分,即开放的总体和封闭的总体(同样地,辩证法也存在好坏之分)。他直接反对的恰恰是坏的总体,包括黑格尔以来的大多数总体观念。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:244-245 3. Totality is again identified with political repression and authoritarianism, and critical realism represents an argument for emancipation; although it is important to note that for Bhaskar there are both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ totalities, that is, open and closed ones (equally, there are also good and bad dialectics). It is against bad totalities that his argument is directed, and that encompasses most versions of totality since Hegel. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 156. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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