

字词 职业道德


professional ethics; professional code of conduct


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 57, 165.


职业道德,就是同人们的职业活动紧密联系的符合职业特点所要求的道德准则、道德情操与道德品质的总和,它既是对本职人员在职业活动中的行为标准和要求,同时又是职业对社会所负的道德责任与义务。职业道德是人们在职业生活中应遵循的基本道德,即一般社会道德在职业生活中的具体体现。是职业品德、职业纪律、专业胜任能力及职业责任等的总称,属于自律范围,它通过公约、守则等对职业生活中的某些方面加以规范。职业道德既是本行业人员在职业活动中的行为规范,又是行业对社会所负的道德责任和义务。职业道德具有适用范围的有限性,发展的历史继承性,表达形式多种多样,以及强烈的纪律性。在我国,职业道德主要应包括以下几方面的内容:忠于职守,乐于奉献;实事求是,不弄虚作假;依法行事,严守秘密;公正透明,服务社会。职业道德是社会道德体系的重要组成部分,它一方面具有社会道德的一般作用,另一方面它又具有自身的特殊作用:调节职业交往中从业人员内部以及从业人员与服务对象间的关系;有助于维护和提高本行业的信誉;促进本行业的发展;也有助于提高全社会的道德水平。(职业道德.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v727809.htm?fromTitle=%E8%81%8C%E4%B8%9A%E9%81%93%E5%BE%B7)


职业道德.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v727809.htm?fromTitle=%E8%81%8C%E4%B8%9A%E9%81%93%E5%BE%B7


1. 要加强思想道德修养,自觉弘扬爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,积极倡导社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德。要牢记“从善如登,从恶如崩”的道理,始终保持积极的人生态度、良好的道德品质、健康的生活情趣。要倡导社会主义文明新风,带头学雷锋,积极参加志愿服务,主动承担社会责任,热诚关爱他人,多做扶贫济困、扶弱助残的实事好事,以实际行动促进社会进步。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:53

1. Young people must strengthen theoretical improvement and moral cultivation, take the initiative to carry forward patriotism, collectivism and socialism and actively advocate social and professional ethics, and family virtues. Young people should bear in mind that “virtue uplifts, while vice debases”, and always be optimists and persons of integrity who have a healthy lifestyle. Young people should advocate new social trends, be the first in learning from Lei Feng', take an active part in voluntary work, shoulder social responsibilities, care for others, help the poor, the weak and the disabled, and do other good and practical deeds, so as to promote social progress with their actions. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 57.

2. 政法机关要完成党和人民赋予的光荣使命,必须严格执法、公正司法。“公生明,廉生威。”要坚守职业良知、执法为民,教育引导广大干警自觉用职业道德约束自己,做到对群众深恶痛绝的事零容忍、对群众急需急盼的事零懈怠,树立惩恶扬善、执法如山的浩然正气。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:149

2. To accomplish their noble mission entrusted by the Party and people, judicial, procuratorial and public security organs must enforce the law strictly and administer justice impartially. Justice breeds trust, and honesty fosters credibility. We should uphold our professional conscience and enforce the law for the good of the people. We should guide judicial, procuratorial and public security officers to act within the bounds of their professional code of conduct, never tolerate what the people detest, act quickly if the people so require, and strictly administer justice with awe-inspiring integrity. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 165.


例句 1:
It is necessary to establish the multi-agent, multi-dimension, multi-level and multi-channel practical mechanism for the teacher’s professional morality improvement which need to take place in the life practice and educational practice of the teacher.

例句 2:
The essential reasons of decaying professional morality for CPA are to forget their integrity and morality when tempted by personal gain.

例句 3:
On the basis of the present situation investigation on the formative education of professional morality to medical college students, this paper analyzes the problems in the formative education of professional morality to medical college students and proposes some suggestions of the formative education by socialist core values, based on the opinions obtained during the interviews on formative education by socialist core values.





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