

字词 人作为自然存在物


man as a natural being


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 336.


马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》 中揭示人的社会性和能动性的本质时使用的术语,指人是一种特殊的自然存在物,即类存在物。“类存在物”是费尔巴哈的哲学用语,马克思在使用的时候,一方面继承了费尔巴哈有关的一些合理思想,另一方面赋予这些概念以新的意义。马克思认为,“人直接地是自然存在物。人作为自然存在物,而且作为有生命的自然存在物,一方面具有自然力、生命力,是能动的自然存在物;这些力量作为天赋和才能、作为欲望存在于人身上;另一方面,人作为自然的、肉体的、感性的、对象的存在物,同动植物一样,是受动的、受制约的和受限制的存在物”(马克思,2000:105)。也就是说,人是客观的、物质的自然界的一部分,但是“这种自然存在物与其他自然界存在的各种现实的自然存在物不同,它是能够自觉地能动地改造世界的自然存在物”(闫树森,1987:135)。人并不是孤立存在的自然物,它和其他的自然物相互联系而存在,它的能动性的实现受到自然界的制约。马克思认为,“人是类存在物,不仅因为人在实践上和理论上都把类——他自身的类以及其他物的类——当作自己的对象;而且因为——这只是同一种事物的另一种说法——人把自身当作现有的、有生命的类来对待,因为人把自身当作普遍的因而也是自由的存在物来对待”(马克思,2000:56)。马克思进一步指出,人之所以是类存在物,最根本的是由于劳动。正是在改造对象世界的实践活动中,人才真正地证明自己是类存在物。“通过实践创造对象世界,即改造无机界,证明了人是有意识的类存在物,也就是这样一种存在物,它把类看作自己的本质,或者说把自身看作类存在物”(马克思:2000:57)。马克思强调,“人不仅仅是自然存在物,而且是人的自然存在物,就是说,是自为地存在着的存在物,因而是类存在物”(马克思,2000:107)。人的自然属性不同于其他动物的自然属性,它是属于人的,是社会化了的自然属性。




1. 人作为自然存在物,而且作为有生命的自然存在物,一方面具有自然力、生命力,是能动的自然存在物;这些力量作为天赋和才能、作为欲望存在于人身上;另一方面,人作为自然的、肉体的、感性的、对象性的存在物,和动植物一样,是受动的、受制约的和受限制的存在物,也就是说,他的欲望的对象是作为不依赖于他的对象而存在于他之外的;但这些对象是他的需要的对象;是表现和确证他的本质力量所不可缺少的、重要的对象。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷)》,1979:167-168

1. Man is directly a natural being. As a natural being and as a living natural being he is on the one hand endowed with natural powers, vital powers – he is an active natural being. These forces exist in him as tendencies and abilities – as instincts. On the other hand, as a natural, corporeal, sensuous objective being he is a suffering, conditioned and limited creature, like animals and plants. That is to say, the objects of his instincts exist outside him, as objects independent of him; yet these objects are objects that he needs – essential objects, indispensable to the manifestation and confirmation of his essential powers. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1975: 336.

2. 批判是他手中的武器,他用这个武器把在无限的自我意识之外还以有限的物质存在自居的一切,都变成单纯的假象和纯粹的思想。在实体中,他驳斥的不是形而上学的幻觉,而是世俗的内核——自然,他攻击存在于人之外的自然,也攻击作为自然存在物的人本身。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:180

2. In his hands, Criticism is the instrument to sublimate into mere appearance and pure thought all that affirms a finite material existence outside infinite self-consciousness. What he combats in Substance is not the metaphysical illusion but its mundane kernel — nature; nature both as it exists outside man and as man’s nature. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 141.

3. 其次,人又不仅仅是自然存在物,“而且是人的自然存在物,也就是说,是为自身而存在着的存在物,因而是类存在物。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:264

3. Next, Marx points out that man is not only a natural being, but that “he is a human natural being. That is to say, he is a being for himself. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 199.


例句 1:
This article lists Marx's integration thinking of natural science and humanities and social science from Theses on Feuerbach. From the following three aspects: as natural existence, human is motile; as objectivity existence, human is passive; as social existence, human is the unity of motility and passivity, this article explains that Theses on Feuerbach is the philosophical starting point of Marx's integration theory of natural sciences and the humanities and social sciences.

例句 2:
Finally, he points out that as a natural being governed by the law of metabolism, one should not attempt to live an eternal life. However, one can expect longevity through external exercise which aims at achieving the harmony between heaven and earth.

例句 3:
Ecological civilization, as a new civilization form with bottom-line thinking adheres to the unity of anthropo





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