

字词 培根(罗吉尔)


Roger Bacon


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 18) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 189.
[2] Roger Bacon. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Bacon






1. 九世纪的著作家马可·格雷克提到一个配方——六分硝石、二分硫磺、一分木炭,这和真正的火药成分是非常近似的。在欧洲的著作家中,罗吉尔·培根大约1216年在他的“论魔法的荒淫”一书中最先提出了相当精确的火药配方,但是在这以后整整一百年,西方各国还不知道使用火药。阿拉伯人看来很快就丰富了从中国人那里得到的知识。根据孔代所写的“摩尔人在西班牙的历史”,在1118年萨拉哥沙围攻战时期就使用火炮了,而在1132年,西班牙除制造其他火炮外还铸造了四磅长炮。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十四卷)上》,1985:194

1. A writer of the 9th century, Marcus Gracchus, gives a composition of 6 parts of saltpetre, 2 of sulphur, 1 of coal, which comes very near to the correct composition of gunpowder. The latter is stated with sufficient exactness, and first of all European writers, by Roger Bacon, about 1216, in his Liber de Nullitate Magiae, but yet for fully a hundred years the western nations remained ignorant of its use. The Arabs, however, appear to have soon improved upon the knowledge they received from the Chinese. According to Conde's history of the Moors in Spain, guns were used, 1118, in the siege of Saragossa, and a culverin of 4 lb. calibre, among other guns, was cast in Spain in 1132. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 18), 1987: 189.


例句 1:
In the traditional study of history of science,scholars are accustomed to apply the basic concepts of modern science (such as experiments, math, etc.) to the interpretation of ancient scientists’ thought without further reflections, meanwhile to discover the archetype of modern science within it. More than a century, the historical researches around Roger Bacon’ scientific thoughts had focused on the criticisms and adjustments of the Whig approach. Based on the former accomplishments, by activating the historical meanings and contextual senses of the basic concepts of ancient science, real Bacon’s figure will be depicted gradually.

例句 2:
"Bacon’s Problem" means the problem of prejudice, or we can simply say that it is people’s attitude to prejudice. It is involved in the important epistemology problem about cognition’s possibility and the relationship between objectivity and subjectivity, and it has significantly academic meaning.





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