字词 | 政府职能 |
释义 | 政府职能【英】government function译文来源Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 84. 定义政府职能,亦称行政职能,是国家行政机关,依法对国家和社会公共事务进行管理时应承担的职责和所具有的功能。政府职能反映着公共行政的基本内容和活动方向,是公共行政的本质表现。政府职能的概述为,经济调节、市场监管、社会管理、公共服务和环境保护。(政府职能.via:http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C%E8%81%8C%E8%83%BD)其特点表现为:代表公共利益、公共意志和公共权力方面的广泛性和维护公共利益、公共意志和公共权力方面的强制性。政府职能可分为政府基本职能和政府运行职能。(奚洁人,2007:63)基本职能包括:政治职能,是指政府为维护国家统治阶级的利益,对外保护国家安全,对内维持社会秩序的职能;经济职能,是指政府为国家经济的发展,对社会经济生活进行管理的职能;文化职能,是指政府为满足人民日益增长的文化生活的需要,依法对文化事业所实施的管理;以及社会公共服务职能,即指除政治、经济、文化职能以外政府必须承担的其他职能。从政府职能管理过程来看,又包括一系列的运行职能,包括运行职能、组织职能、协调职能、控制职能、监督职能等。这些职能主要可通过行政手段、经济手段、法律手段来实施。(政府职能.via:http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C%E8%81%8C%E8%83%BD)政府职能满足了公共行政的根本要求,是政府机构设置的根本依据,它的实施情况是衡量行政效率的重要标准。而政府职能转变是行政管理体制和机构改革的关键。(政府职能.via:http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C%E8%81%8C%E8%83%BD)现代政府在管理社会事务,特别是在经济建设中所发挥的作用不尽相同,因而不存在完全意义上的标准的政府职能。随着全球经济一体化步伐的加快,为公众提供优质的公共物品日益成为政府的根本任务。包括:使公民享有充分的民主和自由;提供优美便利的生活环境、良好的社会秩序和完善的社会保障体系;建立快速应急机制,确保公共安全;捍卫国家主权和领土完整;促使社会经济快速稳定发展和支持、繁荣文化事业等。在我国,政府职能的转变包括:加强和改善宏观调控;促进经济和社会协调发展;为改革开放和现代化建设创造良好的社会环境;加强法制建设,创造统一、规范、公平竞争的市场环境和秩序等。(奚洁人,2007:63) 定义来源[1] 奚洁人.科学发展观百科辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2007. 例句1. 市场决定资源配置是市场经济的一般规律,市场经济本质上就是市场决定资源配置的经济。健全社会主义市场经济体制必须遵循这条规律,着力解决市场体系不完善、政府干预过多和监管不到位问题。作出“使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用”的定位,有利于在全党全社会树立关于政府和市场关系的正确观念,有利于转变经济发展方式,有利于转变政府职能,有利于抑制消极腐败现象。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:77 1. It is a general rule of the market economy that the market decides the allocation of resources, and a market economy in essence is one in which the market determines resource allocation. We have to follow this rule when we improve the socialist market economy. We should work harder to address the problems of market imperfection, too much government interference and lack of oversight. Positioning the market as playing a “decisive role” in resource allocation is conducive to establishing the correct notion of the government-market relationship in the whole Party and the whole of society, and conducive to transforming the economic growth pattern and government functions, as well as reining in corruption and other forms of misconduct. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 84. 2. 全会决定对健全宏观调控体系、全面正确履行政府职能、优化政府组织结构进行了部署,强调政府的职责和作用主要是保持宏观经济稳定,加强和优化公共服务,保障公平竞争,加强市场监管,维护市场秩序,推动可持续发展,促进共同富裕,弥补市场失灵。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:77 2. The Decision also makes plans for improving macro control, correctly performing government functions in all areas, and improving the organization of government. It stresses that the main responsibility and role of the government is to maintain the stability of the macro economy, strengthen and improve public services, ensure fair competition, strengthen market oversight, maintain market order, promote sustainable development and common prosperity, and intervene in situations where market failure occurs. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 85. 3. 科学的宏观调控,有效的政府治理,是发挥社会主义市场经济体制优势的内在要求。更好发挥政府作用,就要切实转变政府职能,深化行政体制改革,创新行政管理方式,健全宏观调控体系,加强市场活动监管,加强和优化公共服务,促进社会公平正义和社会稳定,促进共同富裕。各级政府一定要严格依法行政,切实履行职责,该管的事一定要管好、管到位,该放的权一定要放足、放到位,坚决克服政府职能错位、越位、缺位现象。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:117-118 3. Scientific macro control and effective governance are the intrinsic requirements for giving full play to the strength of the socialist market economy. To ensure that the government better performs its functions, we should transform government functions, further the reform of the administrative system, use new administrative methods, improve the macro-control system and enhance the monitoring of market activities. We should strengthen and improve public services, and promote social fairness,justice and stability, as well as common prosperity Governments at all levels should exercise administration strictly in accordance with the law, and conscientiously fulfill their responsibilities. The government should manage well all matters that fall within its purview, and appropriately delegate powers that should be delegated. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 129-130. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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