字词 | 和平主义 |
释义 | 和平主义【英】pacifism译文来源[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:518. 定义和平主义又称“非战主义”,指主张建立永久和平,无条件地鼓吹、拥护和平,反对一切战争的思想。狭义的和平主义指不区别战争的正义性与非正义性,笼统地反对一切战争、祈求人类永久和平的思想;广义的和平主义也包括非暴力运动和不抵抗运动等。和平主义的思想认为一切任意杀人的行为都是错误的,必须坚决反对的。1815年在美国纽约成立了第一个和平主义者组织;1816年在伦敦又成立过类似的组织;1948年在比利时首都布鲁塞尔举行了第一次世界和平主义者大会,以后又举行过多次大会,提出裁减军备,维护和平,反对军备竞赛,大幅度裁减军备,组织国际法庭解决国际间争端等主张(颜声毅,1988:377)。和平主义在对反对帝国主义和超级大国的侵略战争,维护世界和平方面起了一定作用。“印度民族运动领袖甘地基本倾向于和平主义,是历史上影响最大的非暴力抵抗运动的创始人。美国民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金曾受到甘地学说的很大影响。英国哲学家罗素在政治上是和平主义者,晚年反对制造核武器和反对越南战争。和平主义对牵制侵略战争和恐怖主义行径起过一定作用,有一定的历史进步意义。在第二次世界大战中,共产党人曾同和平主义者结成反法西斯主义的统一战线”(《哲学大辞典·马克思主义哲学卷》编写组,1990,via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900008158697&d=CC6508AF1C42D742B656D3AF085DB86D)。但是也应看到,和平主义是一种抽象的、无原则的政治思潮,这种思潮不了解战争与和平的社会根源和本质,不区分战争的性质而笼统的反对一切战争。 定义来源[1] 颜声毅.世界政治经济与国际关系词典[Z].吉林人民出版社,1988. 例句1. 到1917年初,斯巴达克派(左翼激进派的称号)和持反对立场的中间派都被驱逐出党。于是组成了德国独立社会党,它包括从斯巴达克派到考茨基等所有的人,甚至包括和平主义者伯恩施坦。从一开始,左翼激进派就不容忍任何妥协。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:51 1. By ear1y 1917 both Spartacists (as the left radicals came to be called) and the oppositional Centrists were expelled from the party, and the Unabhängige Sozialistische Partei Deutschlands (Independent German Socialist Party) was formed to include everyone from the Spartacists to Kautsky and even the pacifist Bernstein. From the outset the left radicals would brook no compromise. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 57. 2. 既然苏维埃在一年的“实践”之后剥夺了剥削者的选举权,那就是说,苏维埃真正是被压迫群众的组织,而不是卖身给资产阶级的社会帝国主义者和社会和平主义者的组织。既然苏维埃剥夺了剥削者的选举权,那就是说,苏维埃不是小资产阶级同资本家妥协的机关,不是进行议会空谈(如考茨基、龙格和麦克唐纳之流的空谈)的机关,而是真正革命的无产阶级同剥削者作你死我活斗争的机关。——《列宁全集(第三十五卷)》,1959:280 2. The fact that after a year’s “experience” the Soviets have deprived the exploiters of the franchise shows that the Soviets are really organisations of the oppressed and not of social-imperialists and social-pacifists who have sold themselves to the bourgeoisie. The fact that the Soviets have disfranchised the exploiters shows they are not organs of petty-bourgeois compromise with the capitalists, not organs of parliamentary chatter (on the part of the Kautskys, the Longuets and the MacDonalds), but organs of the genuinely revolutionary proletariat which is waging a life-and-death struggle against the exploiters. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1974: 279. 3. 布尔什维克的策略是正确的策略,是唯一国际主义的策略,因为它不是建筑在害怕世界革命的怯懦心理上面,不是建筑在“不相信”世界革命的市侩心理上面,不是建筑在只顾保卫“自己”祖国(自己的资产阶级的祖国)而其余一切都“无所谓”的狭隘民族主义愿望上面,而是建筑在对欧洲革命形势的正确的(在战前,在社会沙文主义者和社会和平主义者变节以前,是一致公认的)估计上面。——《列宁全集(第三十五卷)》,1959:294 3. The Bolsheviks’ tactics were correct; they were the only internationalist tactics, because they were based, not on the cowardly fear of a world revolution, not on a philistine “lack of faith” in it, not on the narrow nationalist desire to protect one’s “own” fatherland (the fatherland of one’s own bourgeoisie), while not “giving a damn” about all the rest, but on a correct (and, before the war and before the apostasy of the social-chauvinists and social-pacifists, a universally accepted) estimation of the revolutionary situation in Europe. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1974: 292. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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