

字词 感觉的恒久可能性


permanent possibility of sensation


[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 145.
[2] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:412.




[1] 田崇勤.简明西方哲学手册[M].南京大学出版社,1989.
[2] 冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大辞典 [Z].上海辞书出版社,2008.


1. 最后,疯狂地攻击唯物主义的英国马赫主义者毕尔生说道:“从科学的观点来看,不能反对把某些比较恒久的感性知觉群加以分类,把它们集合在一起而称之为物质。这样我们就很接近约·斯·穆勒的定义:物质是感觉的恒久可能性。但是这样的物质定义完全不同于如下的定义:物质是运动着的东西。” ——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:147

1. And lastly, the English Machist, Pearson, a rabid antagonist of materialism, says: “Now there can be no scientific objection to our clarifying certain more or less permanent groups of sense-impressions together and terming them matter, —to do so indeed leads us very near to John Stuart Mill’s definition of matter as a ‘permanent possibility of sensation’, —but this definition of matter then leads us entirely away from matter as the thing which moves”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 145.

2. “……人们通常还是把自然过程区分为两个方面:物质和它的运动。不能说物质概念已经非常清楚了。对于什么是物质的问题,不容易提出令人满意的答复。有人给物质下定义,说是‘感觉的原因’,或‘感觉的恒久可能性’;但是,这里显然把物质和运动混淆起来了……” ——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:282

2. “... In the processes of nature two aspects are usually still distinguished: matter and its motion. It cannot be said that the concept matter is distinguished by great clarity. It is not easy to give a satisfactory answer to the question—what is matter? It is defined as the ‘cause of sensations’ or as the ‘permanent possibility of sensation’; but it is evident that matter is here confused with motion....” -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 269.

3. 很明显,波格丹诺夫的议论是不正确的。这不仅是因为他把唯物主义对感觉的客观泉源的承认(用感觉的原因这几个字含糊地表述的)同穆勒所谓物质是感觉的恒久可能性这个不可知论的定义混淆起来了。这里的根本错误是:作者刚要接触到感觉的客观泉源是否存在的问题时,却中途抛开这个问题,而跳到关于没有运动的物质是否存在的问题上去了。——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:282

3. It is evident that Bogdanov is arguing incorrectly. Not only does he confuse the materialist recognition of an objective source of sensations (unclearly formulated in the words“cause of sensations”) with Mill’s agnostic definition of matter as the permanent possibility of sensation, but the chief error here is that the author, having come within an ace of the question of the existence or non-existence of an objective source of sensations, abandons this question halfway and jumps to another question, that of the existence or non-existence of matter without motion. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 269.


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