

字词 施特劳斯


David Friedrich Strauss


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:131.
[2] David Friedrich Strauss. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Strauss




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 张盾.现代性批判之“异常思”:施特劳斯论马克思[J].天津社会科学,2010(02).


1. 我们现在不管“达到规定性的普遍性”、“单一性和无限性”(黑格尔的概念)的命运如何。——鲍威尔先生不指出,贯串在施特劳斯关于“公社力量’和关于“传说”的理论中的观点在斯宾诺莎关于实体的观念中有其抽象的表现,有其逻辑形而上学的象形文字;鲍威尔先生不说明这一点,而是强迫“实体抛弃自己的逻辑单纯性并采取公社力量的特定存在形式”他用黑格尔的魔术机来强迫“形而上学的范畴”(从现实中抽出的抽象概念)跳出使它们溶化于纯思想的“简单”因素中的逻辑框子,并采取自然存在或人类存在的“特定形式”,也就是说,强迫它们体现出来。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:174-175

1. Let us leave to their fate “the universality which attains certitude”,the “oneness and infinity” (the Hegelian Notion). —Instead of saying that the view put forward in Strauss’ theory on the “power of the community” and “tradition” has its abstract expression, its logical and metaphysical hieroglyphic, in the Spinozist conception of Substance, Herr Bauer makes “Substance emerge from its logical simplicity and assume a definite form of existence in the power of the community”. He applies the Hegelian miracle apparatus by which the “metaphysical categories”—abstractions extracted out of reality—emerge from logic, where they are dissolved in the “simplicity” of thought, and assume “a definite form” of physical or human existence; he makes them become incarnate. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 137.

2. 马克思认为,施特劳斯和鲍威尔这一类的青年黑格尔派哲学家,虽然也在批判“旧世界的内容”,但实际上却“完全拘泥于所批判的材料,以致对批判的方法采取完全非批判的态度”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:252

2. Marx believed that although Young Hegelians such as Strauss and Bauer attempted to criticize Hegel and “the past,” “so completely was [their] development entangled with the subject-matter—that here prevailed a completely uncritical attitude to the method of criticizing. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 190.

3. 在《神圣家族》第六章第三节D目中,马克思解析了黑格尔哲学体系中的三个因素:一是斯宾诺莎的实体,这实际上是“形而上学改了装的、脱离人的自然”(被施特劳斯抓住);二是费希特的自我意识,这又是“形而上学改了装的、脱离自然的精神”(为鲍威尔持有);二是改装过的上述两者的统“现实的人的现实的人类”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:275

3. In part D of the third section of chapter six in The Holy Family, Marx analyzes and explains the three elements of Hegel’s philosophical system: first is Spinoza’s substance, which is “metaphysically disguised nature separated from man” (this was expounded by Strauss); second is Fichte’s self-consciousness, which is “metaphysically disguised spirit separated from nature” (this was expounded by Bauer); third is the unity of the two prior elements—“real man and the real human species. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 210.


例句 1:
《自然权利与历史》是施特劳斯比较完整地论述其理论观点的代表作之一。在书中,施特劳斯用natural right同时指称了古典自然正当与现代自然权利的双重意涵,并认为在西方思想的“历史”进程中,发生了由古典自然正当到现代自然权利的转变,这种转变的最终结果在当代即表现为历史主义与实证主义对古典“自然正当”的根本拒斥,它们分别以“非历史”和“非科学”的名义拒绝传统哲学意义上的“自然正当”的可能性。——“现代性危机的救治——施特劳斯‘自然正当’观念的内涵与理论地位”,载于《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2010年第5期
As we know, Natural Right and History is one of the most comprehensive and complete statement of Leo Strauss' views. In this book, Strauss designates two meanings to Natural Right, one is classical, and the other is modern. He believes that there has been a conversion from classical natural right toward modern natural right in the historical process of Western thoughts. In his opinion, the final result of this conversion is the rejection of classical Natural Right and History in Historicism and Positivism in contemporary time. They respectively denies the possibility of traditional Natural Right and History in the name of Unhistoral and Unscientific, and finally results the absence of Natural Right in modern Western world, which should be directly responsible for the burst-out of The Crisis of Modernity and Nihilism in Strauss' opinion.

例句 2:
列奥·施特劳斯是 20世纪著名的政治哲学家,其自然法思想的中国研究主要有三个方面:一是直接解读或评论其自然法思想;二是从自然权利的角度透视整个施特劳斯的政治哲学;三是与其他思想家对比分析施特劳斯的自然法思想。——“列奥·施特劳斯自然法思想中国研究述评”,载于《中国政法大学学报》,2015年第4期
Leo Strauss was a famo





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