

字词 民族民主革命      

民族民主革命      【英】

national democratic revolution


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:347.
[2] National Democratic Revolution. via: https://www.nelsonmandela.org/omalley/index.php/site/q/03lv02424/04lv02730/05lv03005/06lv03132/07lv03140/08lv03145.htm






1. 使俄国社会民主党分成两部分的第一个问题,就是我国革命的一般性质问题。我国革命是资产阶级民主革命,而不是社会主义革命;革命的结局应当是消灭封建主义,而不是消灭资本主义,这是大家都明白的。——《斯大林全集(第二卷)》,1953:4

1. That our revolution is a bourgeois-democratic and not a socialist revolution, that it must end with the destruction of feudalism and not of capitalism, is clear to everybody. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 2), 1953: 2.

2. 国家杜马中的社会民主党党团的基本任务就是协助无产阶级进行阶级教育和阶级斗争,以便使劳动者摆脱资本主义的剥削,使无产阶级完成它在俄国目前资产阶级民主革命中所应当担负的政治领袖的使命。——《斯大林全集(第二卷)》,1953:62

2. The main task of the Social-Democratic group in the State Duma is to facilitate the proletariat’s class education and class struggle both for the emancipation of the working people from capitalist exploitation and for the fulfilment of the part of political leader which it is called upon to play in the present bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 2), 1953: 81.


例句 1:
Firstly the author pointed out that Canton women in 1920s-1930s made more legal success compared with before and emphasized that there was a big distance between practical rights and legal rights and the influence exists until now; secondly the  author pointed out that the movement for Canton women’s rights lacked of unitary  organization and leading; thirdly the author emphasized the movement for modern  Canton women’s rights was subordinate to national revolution and democratic  revolution, had instrumental value and at last served the necessity for political  party’s interests; at last the author pointed out although the movement for Canton women’s rights had the characteristics of male as had in other places in China, it was to some extent weakened .

例句 2:
The Communist Party of South Africa is the first Marxist-Leninist political party in Africa, and is also the largest existing power and the most influential party in Af





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