

字词 民主选举


democratic elections; democratic vote


[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 24) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 180.
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 15) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 310.




[1] 列宁.列宁全集(第二十七卷)[M].人民出版社,1990.
[2] 邓小平著作学习大辞典编委会.邓小平著作学习大辞典[Z].山西经济出版社,1992.
[3] 苑茜.现代劳动关系辞典[Z].中国劳动社会保障出版社,2000.


1. 资本家现在需要共和国,因为不这样就“应付不了”人民。但是他们需要的是“议会制”共和国,也就是要把民主制局限于民主选举,局限于有权把代表人民和镇压人民(照马克思的极中肯极正确的说法)的人送进议会。——《列宁全集(第二十九卷)》,1985:286

1. The capitalists need a republic now, because they cannot “manage” the people otherwise. But what they need is a “parliamentary” republic, i.e., one where democracy would be limited to democratic elections, to the right of sending to parliament individuals who, as Marx aptly remarked, represent the people and oppress the people. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1974: 180.

2. 这个法案要求由普选出来的地方委员会来讨论给农民分土地的改革,因此,它事实上是革命的法案,因为由各地真正民主选举出来的机关来讨论土地改革,是同保存当前俄国的沙皇政权和地主土地占有制根本不相容的。——《列宁全集(第十七卷)》,1988:290

2. By demanding discussion of the reform under which the peasantry is to have land allotted to it by local committees elected by a democratic vote, this Bill in effect is a revolutionary document—since the discussion of land reform in the local areas by genuinely democratic elected institutions is absolutely incompatible with the maintenance in present-day Russia of the rule of the tsar and of landlordism. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 15), 1977: 310.

3. 这方面,应从改变国民大会的选举和召集上违反民主的办法,实行民主的选举和保证大会的自由开会做起,直到制定真正的民主宪法,召集真正的民主国会,选举真正的民主政府,执行真正的民主政策为止。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:257

3. In this respect, a start should be made by changing the undemocratic procedures for electing and convening the national assembly, and by holding democratic elections to the assembly and ensuring freedom in the conduct of its meetings, after which it will be necessary to go on to framing and adopting a truly democratic constitution, convening a truly democratic parliament, and electing a genuinely democratic government that will carry out genuinely democratic policies. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 268.


例句 1:
During Anti-Japanese War, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, two large-scale democratic election campaign were carried out successfully in Shan-gan-ning border region.

例句 2:
牡丹江农村党内“竞职比选”民主选举制度问题与对策研究 在我国,农村党组织是党的基层组织的主阵地,是党在农村全部战斗力的基础。——《牡丹江农村党内“竞职比选”民主选举制度问题与对策研究》,吉林大学硕士学位论文,2012
Research on Problems and Countermeasures of Communist Party’s Democratic Election System in Mudanjiang Rural Areas The rural communist party’s organization is main foundation in the basic-level organization and is also the foundation about all combat ability in the countryside in China.

例句 3:
Rural grassroots democratic election is the most extensive practice of socialist democracy, and basic engineering for the construction of socialist democratic politics.





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