

字词 合法性危机


legitimation crisis(德国哈贝马斯用语)legitimacy crisis(美国派伊政治文化理论用语)


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:512.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 209.


合法性危机是法兰克福学派著名哲学家哈贝马斯在分析当代资本主义危机特点时提出的一个重要概念。哈贝马斯所谓的“合法性危机”,实际上也就是资本主义意识形态的危机。哈贝马斯认为,当代资本主义社会的基本矛盾依旧是生产社会化和生产资料私人占有的矛盾。但是这种经济危机会转移到行政系统上,使政府面临瓦解的危险。因为国家或政府采取某些政治手段和财政措施对经济过程进行直接干预,使危机的形式发生变化,在此过程中,政府采取的手段和措施总是倾向于照顾资本家阶级的利益而损害广大民众的普遍利益,便失去了群众的信任,面临政治危机。为此,国家或政府再一次寻求危机转化,将危机从政治系统转移到了文化领域。资本主义国家或政府把文化系统纳入行政计划范围,试图从意识形态领域寻求合法性的依据和人民的认同,但国家通过用行政手段管理文化教育事业,进而干预群众的个人生活,又与文化意识追求独立自主的特点相背离,使人们在文化教育方面对资本主义产生不信任,于是,危机又从行政系统进一步转移到文化系统,意识形态方面就出现所谓“合法性危机”(蒋永福,2000,via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900005801289&d=5F71B572657D28DBAF2F2B6B8073CB7F)。哈贝马斯这种“合法性危机”理论掩盖了资本主义危机的客观经济基础,模糊了危机的阶级斗争性质,否定了根本改造资本主义社会制度的必要性。




1. 如果说哈贝马斯在《知识与人类兴趣》中提出的“交往力”论是“上层建筑的”,那么他在迄今最为重要的著作《合法性危机》中则考察了各个层次社会解放的契机。以往的历史包括一系列社会形态,其中每一种社会形态都“取决于一种基本的组织原则,而这一原则又以抽象的形式确定了社会状况变迁的可能性”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:285

1. Whereas the theory of communicative competence he expounded in Knowledge and Human Interests was ‘superstructural', Habermas’s Legitimation Crisis, examined the chances of social emancipation at all levels. Past history had involved a series of social formations of which each was ‘determined by a fundamental principle of organization, which delimits in the abstract the possibilities for alterations of social states’. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx An Introduction, 1998: 209.

2. 哈贝马斯采用类似于马克思所用过的术语,简要地分析了自有资本主义,例如,其中所包含的社会生产与私人积累之间的基本矛盾。为了弄清晚期资本主义是否也是那样,哈贝马斯把当代社会固有的危机作了类型学的概括:经济危机、理性危机、合法性危机和原动力危机。在哈贝马斯看来,经济危机在晚期资本主义中不是不可避免的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:285

2. Habermas analysed briefly liberal capitalism in terms similar to those of Marx, i.e., as involving a basic contradiction between social production and private accumulation. Enquiring whether the same was true of late capitalism, Habermas outlined a typology of crisis inherent in contemporary society: an economic crisis, a crisis of rationality, of legitimacy, and of motivation. In Habermas’s view, an economic crisis in late capitalism was not inevitable. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 300.

3. 在《合法性危机》的第三章和最后一章中,哈贝马斯认为,除非求助于一套新的准则——它包含他先前所讨论过的交往力以及恰当的社会经济组织,否则就无法解决这些彼此交错的危机。至于哈贝马斯的近期著作,其内容超出了本书的题旨范围,相关书面请见下面的“参考文献”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:286

3. In the third and final part of Legitimation Crisis, Habermas could see no solution to these staggered crises apart from recourse to a new set of norms that would involve the communicative competence he had discussed earlier and the appropriate socio-economic organization. For Habermas’s recent work, which falls outside the scope of this book, see the bibliography below. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 300-301.


例句 1:
The late Qing Government cannot effectively respond to these challenges from both domestic and aboard, and serious crisis of legitimacy appeared. 

例句 2:
Along with the development of politics, economy, culture and the reform trend of teacher education internationalization continues to advance, the college education of Normal University in China has a bottleneck in the performance of three major functions: personnel training, scientific research and social service, the current system of teacher education has been shown inadaptability many times, at the same time, college education of Normal University in China is facing the crisis of legitimacy, and demonstrated different crisis form: identity crisis, employment crisis, research crisis and service crisis.

例句 3:
This paper abides by the logic of quizzing, analyzing, and answering. First of all, put forward a question. It has a dialectical analysis through the legi





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