

字词 灵魂


soul; spirit


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 50.
[2] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 27.




[1] 朱贻庭.伦理学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2011.
[2] 陈国强.简明文化人类学词典[Z].浙江人民出版社,1990.
[3] 徐少锦.伦理百科辞典[Z].中国广播电视出版社,1999.


1. 最后,如果说培尔依据奥古斯丁的权威(不过这个权威同亚里士多德和其他古代人相比,是无足轻重的,据奥古斯丁说,德谟克利特曾赋予原子以一个精神的原则)责备伊壁鸠鲁,说他想出了一个偏斜来代替这个精神的原则,那么可以反驳他说:原子的灵魂只是一句空话,而偏斜却表述了原子的真实的灵魂即抽象个别性的概念。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)》,2002::34

1. Finally, Bayle, supported by the authority of Augustine, who states that Democritus ascribed to the atom a spiritual principle—an authority, by the way, who in contrast to Aristotle and the other ancients is without any importance — reproaches Epicurus for having thought out the concept of declination instead of this spiritual principle. But, on the contrary, merely a word would have been gained with this "soul of the atom", whereas the declination represents the real soul of the atom, the concept of abstract individuality. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 50.

2. 虽然古希腊人的整个宇宙观具有素朴唯物主义的性质,但是在他们那里已经包藏着后来分裂的种子。早在泰勒斯那里,灵魂就被看作某种特殊的东西,某种和肉体不同的东西(比如他认为磁石也有灵魂);在阿那克西米尼那里,灵魂是空气(正象在《创世纪》中一样)364;在毕达哥拉斯派那里,灵魂已经是不死的和可移动的,肉体对它说来是纯粹偶然的。在毕达哥拉斯派那里,灵魂又是“以太的碎片(απσπασμααθρσ)”(第欧根尼·拉尔修,第8卷第26—28节),冷的以太是空气,密集的以太则形成海和水气(第279—280页)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:528

2. For all the naive materialism of the total outlook, the kernel of the later split is already to be found among the ancient Greeks. For Thales, the soul is already something special, something different from the body (just as he ascribes a soul also to the magnet), for Anaximenes it is air (as in Genesis) for the Pythagoreans it is already immortal and migratory, the body being purely accidental to it. For the Pythagoreans, also, the soul is "a chip of the ether" (Diogenes Laertius, VIII, 26-28), where the cold ether is the air, the dense ether the sea and moisture. (Pp. 279-80.) -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 469.

3. 毛泽东思想活的灵魂是贯穿其中的立场、观点、方法,它们有三个基本方面,这就是实事求是、群众路线、独立自主。新形势下,我们要坚持和运用好毛泽东思想活的灵魂,把我们党建设好,把中国特色社会主义伟大事业继续推向前进。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:25

3. The enduring spirit of Mao Zedong Thought refers to the stand, viewpoint and method crystalized in the Thought, which features three basic tenets - seeking truth from facts, the mass line and independence. In the new conditions, we should upho1d and app1y the enduring spirit of Mao. Zedong Thought in bui1ding our Party and advancing the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 27.


例句 1:
Second, turns and role in the soul, let the reader understand the soul music creation and affected the turn, but turn the sound became the spirit of soul music style.

例句 2:
The political philosophy thought of Rousseau, which takes General Will as its soul, is not only like a raging fire, which burns the practicing activities of France revolution and American independent revolutions at that time directly, but also like a long source and course that flow without end, which is spreading permanent thought glamour.

例句 3:
Hegel’s discussion on the concept of life is affected by the previous philosophers. He accepts the ideas that life is unity of the soul and the body.





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