

字词 激进主义




McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 188.


“激进”一词渊源于英国,后来又首先为法国所采用。在19世纪上半叶,激进主义多用于说明当时在英法两国主张实行男子普选权或要求实行共和制的观点。一般说来,激进主义对现存社会的组织和运作方式怀有强烈的不满,对现存社会制度抱有彻底的否定态度,急切地希望对社会进行根本性的急剧和即时的改变。不是所有激进主义者都是相同的,他们之间也有激进程度的差异和左右之分,对社会的变革倾向于一种更公正或更科学态度的激进主义往往属于左翼激进主义,而那些倾向于使社会回到过去状态或者甚至是旧的价值体系的属于右翼激进主义。如马克思主义及其思想的继承者属于前一类,主张恢复旧传统的宗教激进主义如伊斯兰原教旨主义,以及一些极端种族主义可能属于后一类(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=j7ymZWGrQBx0YjGlyr0LBY15mT140IhutvtrKDV3KW7J26C6JaYlcOx1_vqmHxYqgo_uxS15HxmJCTvu5SNq5q)。激进主义与保守主义并非一成不变,而是可以互相转化的,如秦始皇建立的封建专制主义在开始是激进主义的,但到清末民初它就成为一种极端的保守主义了(王兆胜,2009:137)。


[1] via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=j7ymZWGrQBx0YjGlyr0LBY15mT140IhutvtrKDV3KW7J26C6JaYlcOx1_vqmHxYqgo_uxS15HxmJCTvu5SNq5q.
[2] 王兆胜.激进主义与保守主义的辩证与融通[J].郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2009(6).


1. 20世纪20年代重新掀起了一场关于马克思的资本再生产和一般积累的模式的争论,当时亨利克·格罗斯曼(Henryk Grossmann)把强调的重心转向生产领域而不是流通领域,并声称利润率下降将导致积累的枯竭。潘涅库克也反对这些观点,因为这些观点把工人描绘为只能对他们不能控制的经济力量作出反应。与这些经济上的观点相并立的是潘涅库克自己的观点,他认为,他称之为考茨基的“消极的激进主义”仅仅旨在于为无产阶级夺取国家政权,而“无产阶级的斗争不单纯是一场以夺取国家政权为目标的反对资产阶级的斗争,恰恰相反,它是一场反对国家政权的斗争”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:180

1. The debate on Marx’s models for the reproduction of capital and accumulation in general was renewed in the 1920s when Henryk Grossmann changed the emphasis to the sphere of production rather than circulation and claimed that the falling rate of profit would lead to the end of accumulation. Pannekoek rejected these views, too, as portraying the working class as merely reacting to economic forces over which they could have had no control. Parallel with these views on economics was Pannekoek’s idea that what he called the “passive radicalism” of Kautsky merely aimed to conquer state power for the proletariat, whereas ‘the struggle of the proletariat is not simply a struggle against the bourgeoisie for state power as an object, but on the contrary, a struggle against state power. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 188.

2. 赫斯特的思想历程成为自20世纪70年代初以来英国左翼政治场景变化的范例。艾略特把他描绘成“共产主义者、工党和独立马克思主义知识分子分散重组(那一时期的特征)——的无名英雄之一”。从集体上来看,这些各种各样的分散重组被认为是脱离政治激进主义的令人遗憾的步骤。尽管拒绝了历史唯物主义的大多数原则,但是赫斯特仍然声称自己是一个马克思主义者。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:92

2. Hirst’s career becomes exemplary of the changing landscape of British left-wing politics since the early 1970s, with Elliott describing him as ‘one of the unsung heroes of the de- and re-alignment of Communist, Labour and independent Marxist intellectuals’ that the period features. Collectively these various de- and re-alignments are considered to represent a regrettable move away from political radicalism. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 59.

3. 然而,在马尔库塞看来,资本主义的胜利是他代表左翼意见加倍努力的一个信号,由此他不期然地形成了一种原教旨主义与激进主义的有趣联合:一些人打开了通向后马克思主义的大门,自己却从未进入它。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:132

3. For Marcuse, however, the triumph of capitalism is a signal to redouble his efforts on behalf of left-wing dissent, and he comes across as an interesting combination of fundamentalism and radicalism: someone who opens the door to post-Marxism, without ever quite going through it himself. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 85.


例句 1:
After a critical reflection on radicalism for 20 years, more positive discussion is in need about Chinese radicalism in the 20th century.

例句 2:
Radicalism is the most influential ideological trend in modern China, and one of the focus of academic attention in recent years.

例句 3:
The radicalism trend is one of the most important politics trend of thought in the Chinese modern times, which has the character that it turned from political to cultural.





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