

字词 历史唯物主义


historical materialism


Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 411.




[1] 南京师范学院政教系《政治常识手册》编写组.政治常识手册[Z].中国青年出版社,1980.
[2] 曲国洋.日本竞技体育体制研究[M].山东大学出版社,2015.


1. 在现实资本主义经济过程中,它是以各种最深刻的对立为媒介的,如自由竞争是其存在和发展的最初形式,越走向当代,价值转换关系就越复杂,在现代金融体系中,我们已经根本不见它的真面目。我们会发现,这个价值的实体化、物化,成为一种特殊的支配物的物,它才是狭义历史唯物主义所讲的最深刻的一种社会存在物,这恰恰也是最容易误解的哲学层面。­­——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:521

1. In the actual capitalist economy, value is mediated by the deepest antagonisms: for instance, free competition is the earliest form of its existence and development. The more value moves towards the modern age, the more complex become its exchange relations. In the modern financial system, we can no longer see its true face. We will discover that the substantiation and objectification become a kind of material that dominates material; this is the most profound social entity of the special theory of historical materialism. This is also the most easily misunderstood philosophical level of Marx’s theory. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 411.

2. 中国的许多自由主义分子,亦即旧民主主义分子,亦即杜鲁门、马歇尔、艾奇逊、司徒雷登们所瞩望的和经常企图争取的所谓“民主个人主义”的拥护者们之所以往往陷入被动地位,对问题的观察往往不正确——对美国统治者的观察往往不正确,对国民党的观察往往不正确,对苏联的观察往往不正确,对中国共产党的观察也往往不正确,就是因为他们没有或不赞成用历史唯物主义的观点去看问题的缘故。——《毛泽东选集(第四卷)》,1991:1487

2. Many Chinese liberals—the old-type democratic elements, i.e., the supporters of “democratic individualism”, whom Truman, Marshall, Acheson, Leighton Stuart and the like count on and have been trying to win over—often find themselves in a passive position and are often wrong in their judgements on the U.S. rulers, on the Kuomintang, on the Soviet Union and also on the Communist Party of China. The reason is precisely that they do not look at, or disapprove of looking at, problems from the standpoint of historical materialism. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 4), 1965: 429.

3. 我们多次讲,党的先进性和党的执政地位都不是一劳永逸、一成不变的,过去先进不等于现在先进,现在先进不等于永远先进;过去拥有不等于现在拥有,现在拥有不等于永远拥有。这是用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义观察问题得出的结论。 保持党的先进性和纯洁性、巩固党的执政基础和执政地位靠什么?最重要的就是靠坚持党的群众路线、密切联系群众。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:366-367

3. As we have so often repeated, the Party’s pioneering role and its role of governance do not remain unchanged once acquired. Even if you had played a pioneering role in the past, there is no guarantee that you will always do so; the fact that you are playing the role now does not mean that you will be progressive forever. Just because you possessed it in the past does not mean that you will own it forever. This is the conclusion of our analysis based on dialectical and historical materialism. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China , 2014: 403-404.


例句 1:
Historical Materialism is one of the keen long-term study matters of West Marxism.

例句 2:
Historical materialism, is of epoch-making significance for understanding of human social history.

例句 3:
Study on the problem of unity and social development needs of people. To solve the problem of realization of human needs and the reality of social development, they all have important value in historical materialism.





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