

字词 历史唯心主义


historical idealism


Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 436.




[1] 南京师范学院政教系《政治常识手册》编写组.政治常识手册[Z].中国青年出版社,1980.
[2] 中国大百科全书总编委会.中国大百科全书.第2版[M].中国大百科全书出版社,2009.


1. 马克思的历史现象学建构,首先是从资本主义经济事实中作为中心显像的流通领域之幻象证伪开始的。在此,资产阶级经济学的一切物相意识形态和蒲鲁东式改良主义幻想,都第一次遭遇科学的重拳出击,被打得粉身碎骨。流通王国的幻境背后,呈现出由资本主义生产过程构筑的剥削性奴役经济关系本质。货币,作为特定社会关系的物化结果之真相,第一次在理论逻辑和真实的历史进程中得以澄清。随着“抽象为什么成为现实存在的统治”这一重要问题的解决,历史唯心主义的现代基础也第一次得到科学的说明。­­——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:551

1. The construction of Marx’s historical phenomenology began by disproving the illusion of circulation as the central dominant phenomenon in capitalist economic “fact.” Here, all the illusions of the material ideology of bourgeois economics and Proudhon-style revisionism were first scientifically rebutted and completely overthrown. Behind the illusion of the “kingdom” of circulation appears the essence of the exploitive, enslaving economic relations created by capitalist production processes. Money, as the true form of the objectification of certain social relations, is clarified for the first time in terms of theoretical logic and in the true progression of history. Following the resolution to the important question of how the abstract comes to rule real existence, the modern basis of historical idealism is explained scientifically for the first time. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 436.

2. 如果将马克思这时对青年黑格尔派的批判与1845年以后的《德意志意识形态》一书中马克思对同一主题的论说进行比较,我们会发现它们之间存在重大的异质性。前者所批判的焦点是一般的哲学唯心主义,所依据的思想来自费尔巴哈,所思考的重点是要求界划唯物主义哲学家与黑格尔的理论界限;后者的批判焦点是历史唯心主义,却主要批判费尔巴哈,其重点却旨在说明所有哲学家与客观经济生活的现实关系。­­——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:255

2. Comparing Marx’s criticism of the Young Hegelians at this time with his later German Ideology, we will find that there is a great difference between his treatment of this same subject in the two works. The focal point of Marx’s criticism in the 1844 Manuscript is general philosophical idealism, and so his basis is Feuerbach and the emphasis of his thinking is to define the delineation between materialist philosophers and Hegel’s theories. The focal point of his criticism in the German Ideology is historical idealism, and so he primarily criticizes Feuerbach, and his emphasis is to explain the real relation between philosophers and objective economic life. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 192.


例句 1:
In On the Ontological Issues of Social Existence, he rectified the historical idealism with the negligence of natural existence and interpreted the essence of Marxist philosophy as social existence, approaching the essence of Marxist philosophy in some respect.

例句 2:
During the period of The German Ideology, Marx’s philosophy dissected the basis and laws of social development using the analytic method of historical generativism by transferring the theoretical research object from the history of religion and self-consciousness to the realistic process of social practice. It criticized the historical idealism from the viewpoint of producing and re-producing of material existing situation.

例句 3:





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