

字词 波义耳


Robert William Boyle


[1] Robert Boyle. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Boyle
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:97.


波义耳(Robert Boyle,1927-1691)是英国自然哲学家、物理学家、近代化学的奠基人。波义耳生于爱尔兰沃特福德的利斯莫尔,出身于贵族家庭。1635年,就读于伊顿学院;1639年,游学于欧洲各国;1644年,回爱尔兰并潜心于科学研究;1652年,移居多尔塞特潜心研究自然科学、哲学和神学等;1654年,就读于牛津大学;1662年,当选为英国皇家学会第一批会员;1663年,担任东印度公司总经理;1680年,当选为国皇家学会会长。波义耳在化学学科和化学理论的发展上做出过重大贡献,他是第一位阐述元素本性的科学家,他认为亚里士多德的“四元素说”或帕拉采尔苏斯的“三要素说”都没有涉及问题的本质,元素应是具有确定的、实在的、可察觉到的实物,是用一般化学方法不能再分为某些简单实体的实物,使化学得到了全新的发展。波义耳赞同培根的哲学思想,反对经院哲学。波义耳认为,知识是社会发展的重要力量,而实验则是知识的重要来源,并强调化学只有建立在大量的实验观察之上才能获得发展。波义耳反对将化学视为炼金术与制药业的附属品,认为化学应当成为一门独立学科。波义耳在物理学方面也颇有成就,他研究最多的是气体,并证明了空气的体积与加在它上面的压力成反比,这就是著名的波义耳定律。波义耳著有《关于空气弹性及其作用的物理力学新实验》、《怀疑派化学家》、《关于颜色的实验和考察》、《天然矿泉水实验室简编》、《空气发光》、《各种形态和性质的起源》、《关于实验自然哲学价值的某些考虑》、《酸碱假设的思考》等(金炳华,2003:97)。




1. 如果雷尼奥是一个现实哲学家,那末他就有义务宣布:波义耳定律是可变的,所以不是真正的真理,所以根本不是真理,所以是谬误。但是,如果他这样做,他就造成一个比波义耳定律所包含的谬误更大得多的谬误;他的一粟真理也许就消失于谬误的沙丘中;这样他或许就把他的本来正确的结论变为谬误,而与这一谬误相比,波义耳定律就连同附在它上面的少许谬误可以说是真理了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:100

1. Had he been a philosopher of reality he would have had to say: Boyle’s law is mutable, and is hence not a genuine truth, hence it is not a truth at all, hence it is an error. But had he done this he would have committed an error far greater than the one that was contained in Boyle’s law; his grain of truth would have been lost sight of in a sand-hill of error; he would have distorted his originally correct conclusion into an error compared with which Boyle’s law, along with the little particle of error that clings to it, would have seemed like truth. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 85.

2. 波义耳把化学确立为科学。哈维由于发现了血液循环而把生理学(人体生理学和动物生理学)确立为科学。动物学和植物学首先依旧是从事搜集事实的科学,直到古生物学出现——居维叶——以及此后不久发现了细胞和有机化学发展起来为止。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:524

2. Boyle put chemistry on a stable basis as a science. Harvey did the same for physiology (human and animal) by the discovery of the blood circulation. Zoology and botany remain at first collecting sciences, until paleontology appeared on the scene—Cuvier—and shortly afterwards came the discovery of the cell and the development of organic chemistry. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 466.

3. 最初的、素朴的观点,照例要比后来的、形而上学的观点正确些。例如,培根(在他之后有波义耳、牛顿和差不多所有的英国人)早就说,热是运动(波义耳甚至说是分子运动)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:623

3. The first, naïve outlook is as a rule more correct than the later, metaphysical one. Thus already Bacon (and after him Boyle, Newton, and almost all the Englishmen) said heat is motion (Boyle even said molecular motion). -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 557.


例句 1:
The first part reviewed the origin of Locker’s rational thought, Locker has been influenced not only by Cartesian, but also by Boyle, Hobbes and etc.

例句 2:
Thus, Berkeley tore a fissure to Mechanical philosophy before, when Galileo, III Boyle, Descartes, Newton and others believed in a proposition that nature is transparent to human reason, and confirmed hard and disclosed an invisible system in natural phenomena, which it was not inherent thought and idea of nature of material initial, absolute of motion of time and space, opposition of science and religion, transparency of material, but comprised of thought of natural philosophy and philosophy of science by feature of nature of physical concepts, relativity of motion of time and space, intermediary of “Ether”, ultimate absolute of the God, harmony of things “Chain”, coordination of science and religion, agnostic of body, and thus built an ideal





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