

字词 马克思主义信仰


Marxist belief


Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: xxii.






1. 令人吃惊的是,这种布尔乔亚式的伪客观研读模式,竟然成为我们一些学者所自我标榜的东西。他们居然不能意识到,“价值中立的”马克思学恰恰是反对马克思主义信仰的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:3

1. It is surprising to see that this bourgeois pretendingly objective research method has achieved model status among some Chinese researchers. They simply will not realize that a “value-neutral” Marxologie is contrary to Marxist belief. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxii.

2. 尽管批评过去的马克思主义实践,但是《政治权力和社会阶级》是一种回到马克思的练习,因为它使马克思具有一些特别的理论精密性,以便让马克思能够用于一场日益复杂的阶级斗争,反对一种日益具有抵抗力的资本主义。然而,对关键概念的一些批评使所谓的后马克思主义者进行了深入思考;同时,正如我们从辛德斯和赫斯特的著作中所看到的那样,就马克思主义信仰而言,那些批评仅仅是一个开始。马克思主义理论只有吸收这样一些批评,才能避免被自身的矛盾所压垮——对于一种按照揭示出另一种宏大叙事的矛盾的原著所建立的理论而言,这是一种讽刺性的命运。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:97

2. For all its criticisms of past Marxist practice, Political Power and Social Classes constitutes an exercise in recovery, with Marx being given several extra layers of theoretical sophistication to equip him for an increasingly complex class struggle against an increasingly resistant capitalism. Such criticisms of key concepts do give putative post-Marxists much to think about, however, and, as we can see from the work of Hindess and Hirst to come, represent the thin end of the wedge as far as Marxist belief is concerned. The theory can only absorb so much critique before it begins to collapse under the weight of its own contradictions—an ironic fate for a theory structured on the principle of bringing the contradictions of other grand narratives to light. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 62.


例句 1:

例句 2:
First, the concept of faith and belief in Marxism resolve parse constitute the logical starting point of this study, the concept of faith and belief in Marxism.

例句 3:
The article is about Belief which focuses on the modern Chinese belief crisis, takes the rational focus on the Chinese Marxism belief as the way of thinking and discussing, focuses on the relationship, analyzing its’ same, relation, different and contradiction, between Marxism and the modern Chinese belief, gives the modern Chinese a thinking way of developing Marxism belief and belief spirit, and finds the spirit home for the author of this article more importantly.





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