字词 | 量子通信 |
释义 | 量子通信【英】quantum communications译文来源http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2016-03/17/c_135198880.htm 例句1. 量子通信、中微子振荡、高温铁基超导等基础研究取得一批原创性成果,载人航天、探月工程、深海探测等项目达到世界先进水平。——《政府工作报告——2016年3月5日李克强在第十二届全国人民代表大会第四次会议上》 1. Original achievements were made in quantum communications, neutrino oscillation, and iron-based high-temperature superconductivity through basic research. World-class advances were made in manned spaceflight, the lunar exploration program, and deep-water exploration.—Quoted from Report on the Work of the GovernmentDelivered at the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress ofthe People’s Republic of China on March 5, 2016 |
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