

字词 阶级冲突


class conflict; class strife; conflict between the classes


[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 33.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1973: 619.




[1] 列宁选集(第一卷)[M].北京:人民出版社,1972.
[2] 姜自安.马克思主义阶级冲突理论与实践[D].山东农业大学,2010.


1. 考茨基与伯恩施坦分歧的焦点在于,他坚持阶级冲突的现实性,以及由此而来的与资产阶级缔结关系的不可能性。考茨基正确地认识到资产阶级的各阶层事实上正变得更加反动,他甚至始终拒斥与农民联盟的思想。他认为,改良不能触动阶级冲突的根本现实,而赋予民主权利决不能代替革命,以至于他认为,议会民主连同其选举大战只是强化了阶级意识,并加剧了阶级冲突。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:28

1. The central point of Kautsky’s difference from Bernstein was his insistence on the reality of class conflict and the consequent impossibility of forging links with the bourgeoisie. Kautsky correctly realised that sections of the bourgeoisie were in fact becoming more reactionary and he even consistently rejected the notion of alliance with the peasantry. Reforms could not deal with the fundamental reality of class conflict and the granting of democratic rights could never provide a substitute for revolution. He even argued that parliamentary democracy consciousness and conflict. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 33.

2. 在马克思看来,如果阶级调和是可能的话,国家既不会产生,也不会保持下去。而照市侩和庸人般的教授和政论家们说来(往往还善意地引用马克思的话作根据!),国家正是调和阶级的。在马克思看来,国家是阶级统治的机关,是一个阶级压迫另一个阶级的机关,是建立一种 “秩序” 来抑制阶级冲突,使这种压迫合法化、固定化。在小资产阶级政治家看来,秩序正是阶级调和,而不是一个阶级对另一个阶级的压迫;抑制冲突就是调和,而不是剥夺被压迫阶级用来推翻压迫者的一定的斗争手段和斗争方式。——《列宁全集(第三十一卷)》,1985:6

2. According to Marx, the state could neither have arisen nor maintained itself had it been possible to reconcile classes. From what the petty-bourgeois and philistine professors and publicists say, with quite frequent and benevolent references to Marx, it appears that the state does reconcile classes. According to Marx, the state is an organ of class rule, an organ for the oppression of one class by another; it is the creation of “order”, which legalises and perpetuates this oppression by moderating the conflict between the classes. In the opinion of the petty-bourgeois politicians, however, order means the reconciliation of classes, and not the oppression of one class by another; to alleviate the conflict means reconciling classes and not depriving the oppressed classes of definite means and methods of struggle to overthrow the oppressors. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1974: 392.

3. 这两个阶级的对抗导致表现在激烈的竞争中——在工人中间为受雇而竞争,在资本家中间为市场而竞争。这种情况引起阶级仇恨和阶级冲突,使民族分裂而不利于它,使它分成两个敌对的阵营并且破坏真正的独立、自由和幸福。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:570

3. The antagonism of these two classes brings about manifests itself in fierce competition—for employment amongst the workers and for markets amongst the capitalists. This gives rise to class hatred and class strife, divides the nation against itself, forms it into two hostile camps, and destroys real independence, liberty, and happiness. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1973: 619.


例句 1:
The production of Maozedong’s united front theory had both national conflicts in the background of internation and class conflicts in the background of chinese history.

例句 2:
The Marxist theory of class conflict is the product of history and times, changing along with historical conditions and evolution.

例句 3:
Using content analysis of documents, this paper summarizes three paradigms adopted in the studies of the stratification of Chinese society and concludes that stratification of social relationships is the weak area. The author proposes Marx’s social class theory for studying China’s social stratification. The paper further applies Marx’s theory of ownership of production materials to a discussion of ownership of scarce production elements. This analysis reveals four classes in China: managerial administrators, capital owners, professiona





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