字词 | 阶级分析 |
释义 | 阶级分析【英】class analysis译文来源Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: II. 定义阶级分析是指用阶级和阶级斗争理论去观察和和分析社会中各种社会现象的基本方法。马克思主义产生以前,资产阶级的许多历史学家和经济学家都运用阶级分析法去阐释社会现象,如法国复辟时期的历史学家J. N. A.梯叶里、F. P. G.基佐、F. A. M. 米涅和英国古典经济学家亚当•斯密、D.李嘉图等,亚当•斯密和李嘉图按照收入来源上的区别把整个社会分为依靠地租生活的土地占有者阶级、依靠工资生活的无产者阶级、依靠资本利润生活的资本家阶级,并进一步论证了这三大阶级在利益上的对立(《阶级斗争》,via:http://baike.baidu.com/subview/443931/443931.htm - 5)。但是真正科学的阶级分析法是马克思创立的,马克思和恩格斯在《共产党宣言》一书中,运用阶级分析的方法,阐明了资本主义社会的基本矛盾,提出了无产阶级及其政党的历史使命。马克思主义认为,在阶级社会里,总是存在着两个对抗的基本阶级和其他一些非基本阶级,在一个阶级内部,又可以划分为若干个不同的阶层。不同阶级甚至不同阶层的利益和要求不同,从而构成了极为错综复杂的社会矛盾、斗争和冲突。在阶级社会里,阶级斗争是不可避免的,它是历史发展的直接动力。无产阶级和资产阶级的阶级斗争是人类社会最后形式的阶级斗争,它必然导致无产阶级专政,进而最终实现消灭一切阶级和向无阶级社会的过渡(《阶级分析理论》,via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=xbfSV4SF8iHGhyQ3Q3-SXtVfmKhUTEDkpQmkocCPjUMv7vSwebZOBC8KRnl2OZO2xujEO7olvIVbOQkyqDSruq)。 定义来源[1] 阶级斗争.via:http://baike.baidu.com/subview/443931/443931.htm - 5 例句1. 要了解情况,唯一的方法是向社会作调查,调查社会各阶级的生动情况。对于担负指导工作的人来说,有计划地抓住几个城市、几个乡村,用马克思主义的基本观点,即阶级分析的方法,作几次周密的调查,乃是了解情况的最基本的方法。只有这样,才能使我们具有对中国社会问题的最基础的知识。要做这件事,第一是眼睛向下,不要只是昂首望天。没有眼睛向下的兴趣和决心,是一辈子也不会真正懂得中国的事情的。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:789 1. The only way to know conditions is to make social investigations, to investigate the conditions of each social class in real life. For those charged with directing work, the basic method for knowing conditions is to concentrate on a few cities and villages according to a plan, use the fundamental viewpoint of Marxism, i.e., the method of class analysis, and make a number of thorough investigations. Only thus can we acquire even the most rudimentary knowledge of China’s social problems. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: II. 2. 这是毛泽东在延安干部会议上的讲演。这篇讲演根据马克思列宁主义的阶级分析的方法,深刻地分析了抗日战争胜利后的中国政治的基本形势,并且提出了无产阶级的革命策略。正如毛泽东一九四五年四月在中国共产党第七次全国代表大会的开幕词中所指出的,在打败了日本帝国主义以后,中国仍然有成为一个新中国和还是一个老中国的两种命运,两个前途。以蒋介石为代表的中国大地主大资产阶级,要从人民手中夺取抗日战争胜利的果实,要使中国仍旧成为大地主大资产阶级专政的半殖民地半封建的国家。代表无产阶级和人民大众利益的中国共产党,一方面要尽力争取和平,反对内战,另一方面必须对于蒋介石发动全国规模内战的反革命计划有充分的准备,采取正确的方针,这就是说,对于帝国主义和反动派不抱幻想,不怕威吓,坚决保卫人民的斗争果实,努力建立无产阶级领导的、人民大众的、新民主主义的新中国。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:1123 2. This speech was delivered by Comrade Mao Tse-tung at a meeting of cadres in Yenan. Based on the Marxist-Leninist method of class analysis, it presented a penetrating study of the fundamental political situation in China after victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan and set forth the revolutionary tactics of the proletariat. As Comrade Mao Tse-tung had pointed out in his opening address at the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China in April 1945, China after defeating Japanese imperialism still faced two destinies, two futures—either to become a new China or to remain the old China. The big landlords and big bourgeoisie of China, represented by Chiang Kai-shek, wanted to wrest the fruits of victory in the War of Resistance from the hands of the people and to keep China a semi-colonial and semi- feudal country under their dictatorship. The Communist Party of China, representing the interests of the proletariat and the masses of the people, on the one hand strove for peace and opposed civil war with all its strength. On the other hand, it had to prepare fully against Chiang Kai-shek's counter-revolutionary plot of launching a country-wide civil war and had to adopt the correct policy, that is to say, to harbour no illusions about imperialism and reaction, to have no fear of their threats, to resolutely safeguard the fruits of the people’s struggle and strive to build a new China--a new democratic China of the broad masses of the people under the leadership of the proletariat. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1961: 12. 3. 马克思主义的阶级分析已经转换成文化宽容的讨论。这显然是一种新型意识形态的悄然布展。无独有偶,在今天的中国,资产阶级已经不叫资产阶级,而叫“成功人士”,并成为人们崇拜的对象,无产阶级也不叫无产阶级.而叫“弱势群体”,成为人们同情的对象。一般人际称谓中的“同志”变成了“老板”、“先生”,“学雷锋”改做“志愿者”。这是一种隐性的微观话语转换。似乎,人们开始“默默地假定自由一民主的资本主义全球秩序在某种意义上是最终发现的‘自然的'“社会政体”,资本主义再一次被确认为天然的社会存在方式。历史好像又回到了马克思当年所面对的那种“没有历史”的境遇之中了。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:318-319 3. Marxist class analysis has been converted into the discussion of cultural tolerance, which, clearly, is the quiet spreading of a new ideology. (Coincidentally, in mainland China, the title of the bourgeoisie no longer denotes a derogatory sense; they have become the “successful people” and the object of worship. The proletarian class is not called the proletarians anymore; they have become the “disadvantaged group” and the object of sympathy. As for general descriptions of interpersonal relations, “comrade”changes into “boss” or “sir” and “one taking Lei Feng [a soldier always ready to help others in the early period of New China] as the example” is called a “volunteer.” All this belongs to an obscure conversion of micro-discourse.) It seems that people beginning to silently assume the global order of capitalist freedom and democracy is somewhat the ultimate discovery of the “natural” political system. Capitalism is once again recognized as a natural way of social existence, and history seems to return to the previous condition where “there is no longer any history” in Marx’s time. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Ad to Zizek, 2011: 416-417. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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