字词 | 阶级意识 |
释义 | 阶级意识【英】class consciousness译文来源McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 33. 定义阶级意识是反映一定社会阶层的特殊地位和利益的社会群体意识。在阶层社会中,社会阶层的经济地位和生活条件不同,由此产生的物质利益对立和政治权力冲突,会在意识形态领域中反映出来,形成各自的阶级意识。阶级意识包括一个阶层的欲望、情感、习惯等社会心理和意识形态。许多思想家和哲学家都对阶级意识做过深入研究。在马克思看来,财产关系或对生产资料的占有关系,只是区分无产阶级和资产阶级的客观基础;阶级的形成在于人们“阶级立场”的产生,即基于阶级境遇所产生的阶级觉悟、阶级认同和阶级意识。俄罗斯思想家普列汉诺夫认为,阶级意识作为社会意识的一种形式,从根本上讲,是对社会存在的一种反映。匈牙利哲学家卢卡奇把阶级意识看作为整体的阶级对自己在社会经济关系中所处的历史地位和历史使命的认识,并强调是阶级意识是一种“被赋予的”意识,不能把实际的心理意识状态和阶级意识相混淆。英国历史学家汤普森则从历史、社会和文化的角度考察阶级和阶级意识,强调文化传统因素在阶级和阶级意识形成中的作用,他的阶级意识主要是一个社会文化概念(翁定军,2010:86)。在任何时代,占统治地位的阶级意识,总是该社会占统治地位的阶层的意识,其他阶层则要受到统治阶层的意识的影响。随着社会阶层差别的消灭,阶级意识的界限亦将逐渐消失,最终形成全体社会成员的共同意识(《阶级意识》,via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=w7FnDJUVvqnr1ij_fFBwbNpyVmZHLO1i3ENW9J3CT5ZgJGA54wnco5fc5D1ed090TYNbEEc7qUN-4isREpy3A_)。 定义来源[1] 翁定军.阶级或阶层意识中的心理因素:公平感和态度倾向[J].社会学研究,2010,(1). 例句1. 从历史的角度看,卢卡奇对400多年来阶级意识的发展和局限性作了精辟的阐述。他认为,阶级意识本身只能随着工业革命出现,因为只有那时,阶级才变成民族的实体,阶级意识才由于资产阶级和无产阶级的两极分化而变得“更纯”——尽管发达资本主义社会日益家具的变动性和复杂性明显地给最终的阶级概念的界定造成一些困难。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:167 1. Historically, Lukács gave an excellent account of the development and limitations of class consciousness over the previous four centuries and claimed that class consciousness proper only emerged with the Industrial Revolution because only then did classes become national entities and consciousness become ‘purer’ with the polarisation of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, although the growing mobility and complexity of developed capitalist society would obvious create difficulties for this last conception. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 175. 2. 考茨基与伯恩施坦分歧的焦点在于,他坚持阶级冲突的现实性,以及由此而来的与资产阶级缔结关系的不可能性。考茨基正确地认识到资产阶级的各阶层事实上正变得更加反动,他甚至始终拒斥与农民联盟的思想。他认为,改良不能触动阶级冲突的根本现实,而赋予民主权利决不能代替革命,以至于他认为,议会民主连同其选举大战只是强化了阶级意识,并加剧了阶级冲突。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:28 2. The central point of Kautsky's difference from Bernstein was his insistence on the reality of class conflict and the consequent impossibility of forging links with the bourgeoisie. Kautsky correctly realised that sections of the bourgeoisie were in fact becoming more reactionary and he even consistently rejected the notion of alliance with the peasantry. Reforms could not deal with the fundamental reality of class conflict and the granting of democratic rights could never provide a substitute for revolution. He even argued that parliamentary democracy with its electoral battles heightened class consciousness and conflict. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 32-33. 3. 那些年,生活费用上涨和市场紧缩,使工人阶级的抗议活动大大加剧。正是在这种背景下,卢森堡开始阐发她关于阶级意识的思想。在《社会改良还是革命?》中,她就已经谈到了工会活动和政治斗争的重要性,因为“通过这些活动和斗争,无产阶级的觉悟即意识就成为社会主义的,无产阶级就被组织成一个阶级了。”正是从这一观点出发,她于1904年刊载在《新时代》上的《俄国社会民主党的组织问题》一文,就批评了列宁的《进一步,退两步》。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:44 3. The rising cost of living and the contracting market of these years caused a great increase in working-class activity and it was in this context that Rosa Luxemburg began to develop her ideas on class consciousness. Already in Social Reform or Revolution she had talked of the importance of trade union activity and political struggle in that ‘through them the awareness, the consciousness, of the proletariat becomes socialist, and it is organised as a class’. It was from this point of view that she criticised Lenin's One Step Forwards, Two Steps Backwards in her article on ‘Organizational Questions of Russian Social Democracy’ published in Die Neue Zeit of 1904. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 49. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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