

字词 阶级矛盾


class contradiction


Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 423.


阶级矛盾是阶级产生以来出现的一种社会矛盾。各个阶级在一定的生产方式中,由于对生产资料的关系不同,因而有着不同的利益和要求,由这种不同的阶级利益和要求而造成的矛盾即阶级矛盾。阶级矛盾归根到底是由于经济利益的不同或对立而引起的。阶级矛盾有对抗性矛盾和非对抗性矛盾之分。对抗性的阶级矛盾一般指该阶级社会中最基本的剥削阶级与被剥削阶级之间的矛盾,是根本利益之间的冲突,但一个剥削阶级和另一个剥削阶级的矛盾也可能是对抗性矛盾,如奴隶社会末期新兴地主阶级和奴隶主阶级的矛盾;非对抗性矛盾是不同劳动阶级之间的矛盾,是根本利益一致基础上的矛盾冲突,如工人阶级和农民阶级的矛盾(金炳华,2003:331)。在阶级社会中,各个社会的基本阶级之间的矛盾,成为这个社会的主要矛盾,如奴隶主阶级和奴隶阶级的矛盾,地主阶级和农民阶级的矛盾,资产阶级和无产阶级的矛盾都是主要矛盾,主要矛盾是与该社会占统治地位的生产方式直接联系在一起的。此外,还存在着非基本阶级矛盾的次要矛盾,即剥削阶级之间或劳动阶级之间的矛盾。阶级矛盾不仅表现在经济方面,还表现在政治方面和思想方面。政治方面和思想方面的阶级矛盾,又是经济方面阶级矛盾的表现和反映(《阶级矛盾》,via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=agBsD_q1oFuHBHL8HzwDFORiBrPdgj8SfwsorwSof54EpLvOxjyaQ8iqeukTgTFKfss2SM1ptbmb1CnvQy02Za)。


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 阶级矛盾.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=agBsD_q1oFuHBHL8HzwDFORiBrPdgj8SfwsorwSof54EpLvOxjyaQ8iqeukTgTFKfss2SM1ptbmb1CnvQy02Za


1. 争取中间势力,就是争取中等资产阶级,争取开明绅士,争取地方实力派。这是不同的三部分人,但都是目前时局中的中间派。中等资产阶级就是除了买办阶级即大资产阶级以外的民族资产阶级。他们虽然同工人有阶级矛盾,不赞成工人阶级的独立性;但他们在沦陷区受到日本帝国主义的压迫,在国民党统治下则受大地主大资产阶级的限制。因此他们还要抗日,并要争取自己的政治权力。在抗日问题上,他们赞成团结抗战;在争取政治权力问题上,他们赞成宪政运动,并企图利用进步派和顽固派之间的矛盾以达其目的。这一阶层,是我们必须争取的。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:746

1. Winning over the middle forces means winning over the middle bourgeoisie, the enlightened gentry and the regional power groups. They are three distinct categories, but as things are, they all belong to the middle forces. The middle bourgeoisie constitutes the national bourgeoisie as distinct from the comprador class, i.e., from the big bourgeoisie. Although it has its class contradictions with the workers and does not approve of the independence of the working class, it still wants to resist Japan and, moreover, would like to grasp political power for itself, because it is oppressed by the Japanese imperialists in the occupied areas and kept down by the big landlords and big bourgeoisie in the Kuomintang areas. When it comes to resisting Japan, it is in favor of united resistance; when it comes to winning political power, it is in favour of the movement for constitutional government and tries to exploit the contradictions between the progressives and the die-hards for its own ends. This is a stratum we must win over. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 423.

2. 马克思主义者也是从同样的理想出发,但他不是把它与“现代科学和现代道德观念”相对比,而是与现有阶级矛盾相对比,因此,不是把它表述为“科学”的要求,而是表述为某个阶级的要求,这种要求是由某种社会关系(这种社会关系需要加以客观的研究)产生的,并且由于这种关系的某些特点,这种要求只有用某种方式才能实现。不这样把理想归结为事实,这些理想始终是天真的愿望,决不可能为群众所接受,因此也决不可能实现。——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:358

2. The Marxist proceeds from the same ideal; he does not compare it with “modern science and modern moral ideas”, however, but with the existing class contradictions, and therefore does not formulate it as a demand put forward “science,” but by such and such a class, a demand engendered by such and such social relations (which are to be objectively investigated), and achievable only in such and such a way in consequence of such and such properties of these relations. If ideals are not based on facts in this ward, they will only remain pious wishes, with no chance of being accepted by the masses and, hence, of being realized. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 416-417.

3. 使用阶级还原论来维护马克思主义思想的总体性,拉克劳在《霸权与社会主义战略》之前的著作《马克思主义理论中的政治和意识形态》中也对此进行了批判。阶级还原论意味着,社会关系中的一切矛盾在本质上都被认为是阶级矛盾;对拉克劳而言,这把一种无限的、更加复杂的社会现实大人简单化了。拉克劳本人的方法是一种破除偶像崇拜的方法:完全放弃阶级还原论,因为它正在阻止对马克思主义概念的反思,而地缘政治形势的变化则使这样一种反思成为迫切的需要。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:66

3. The use of class reductionism to preserve the totality of Marxist thought is also attacked by Laclau in his pre-Hegemony study Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory. Class reductionism means that all contradictions in social relations are assumed to be, at base, class contradictions, which, for Laclau, drastically oversimplifies an infinitely more complex social reality. Laclau’s own approach is an iconoclastic one: abandon class reductionism altogether, on the grounds that it is preventing the rethinking of Marxist concepts that a changing geopolitical situation urgently necessitates. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 43.


例句 1:
Comprehensive collectivizational campaign is a movement which lacked necessary material, technical foundation and thinking preparation. It was a fast, comprehensive, large-scale and compulsory campaign, ended the New Economic Policy too early, led to the intensification of class conflict, hinded the development of productive forces, and laid groundwork for the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

例句 2:
The welfare state is the result which class contradictions development and evolution of the capitalist country, its implementation policy has alleviated the class contradictions, raised worker’s material life level on objective, and also promoted the social economy development.

例句 3:
The general line of our country in the transition period was once confronted with serious deflection in the process of its operation. This accounts for the three misunderstanding areas in the t





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