

字词 资产阶级政治经济学


bourgeois political economy


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 31.






1. 萨伊还提出,在政治经济学对社会现象的分析中不能简单运用数学统计方法,因为在社会生活中还存在一些无法被计算的“人类才能、需要和欲望的影响”,否则,就会使社会现象在我们的“算计”中“失去原来的复杂性”,使政治经济学成为一种“抽象理论”。这种论点表明,资产阶级政治经济学在其唯物主义前提上具有一种学科上的自觉性,但我认为这并不是哲学方法论上真正的自觉意识。萨伊的上述分析是具有代表性的。—— 《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:31

1. Say asserts that political economists should not merely rely on methods of statistics in analyzing social phenomena. This is because in social life there exist the unmeasurable “influence of human talents, needs, and desires”; by choosing to simply use statistics in analysis, we would “lose the original complexity” of social phenomena through our “calculations,” causing political economy to become an “abstract theory.” I believe that in terms of the materialist premise of bourgeois political economy, the point Say makes here has a certain degree of intuition, though this is not a truly intuitive consciousness in terms of philosophical methodology. Say’s analysis, which we have discussed here, is representative of the methodology of early political economists. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 7.

2. 首先,它在经济学理论中客观地确立了在社会生活中客观存在决定意识的原则。我以为,区别于过去所有的哲学唯物主义自然物质决定论,这里在场的是一种全新的社会经济决定论。资产阶级政治经济学的发生和发展,经历了从重商主义(经济活动中的流通)、重农主义(农业生产)一直到李嘉图(大机器生产)的演变过程,而其中发生的社会经济事实(事件)是观念和理论的基础,也是社会生活本身的基础,这似乎是一个不言自明的前提。—— 《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:32

2. To demonstrate the existence of this form of materialism, let us first examine the principles of objective existence in social life that determine consciousness, as established within the realm of economic theory. I believe that this was a brand new social economic determinism, distinct from past naturalist-materialist determinism based on philosophical materialism. In the development of bourgeois political economy, the emphasis had shifted from mercantilism (circulation in economic activity) and physiocracy (agricultural production) to Ricardo (large-scale machine production). During this process, the social economic facts (events) that took place formed the foundation for political economic ideas and theories; they also comprise the very foundation of social life, a seemingly self-evident premise. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 8.

3. 威·桑巴特教授在他的一本论述19世纪社会运动的著名的书中,曾经指出了“统一的倾向”(第6章的标题),即各国不同形式不同色彩的社会运动趋于一致的倾向:同时还指出了马克思主义思想广泛传播的倾向。关于英国,桑巴特认为这种倾向表现在英国工联口益放弃“纯粹曼彻斯特派的观点”。根据霍布森的这本书,我们可以说:英国的进步著作家在实际生活(它日益证实了马克思的“预测”)要求的压力下,开始感到传统的资产阶级政治经济学是站不住脚的,他们正在摆脱它的偏见,不自觉地向马克思主义靠拢。——《列宁全集(第四卷)》,1984:137

3. In his well-known book on the social movement in the nineteenth century, Prof. W. Sombart notes among other things a “tendency towards unity” (title of Chapter VI), i. e., a tendency of the social movement of the various countries, in its various forms and shades, towards uniformity and along with it a tendency towards the spread of the ideas of Marxism. In regard to England Sombart sees this tendency in the fact that the English trade unions are increasingly abandoning “the purely Manchester standpoint.” In regard to Hobson’s book we can say that under pressure of the demands of life, which is increasingly corroborating Marx’s “prognosis,” progressive English writers are beginning to realise the unsoundness of traditional bourgeois political economy and, freeing themselves from its prejudices, are involuntarily approaching Marxism. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1977: 102-103.


例句 1:
From the general research view of “Paris Notes”, young Marx criticized bourgeois political economy theory by humanistic philosophy in the proletarian political position.

例句 2:
Alienation labour theory is the most important achievement of Max’s criticism on bourgeois political economy.

例句 3:
AdamSmith is the key person of the bourgeois classical political economy in the period of British workshop handicraft industry.





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