

字词 货币制度


money system; monetary system


[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 219.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 217.


货币制度,简称“币制”,指一国由法律规定的货币流通的结构和组织形式(吕时达,1986:349)。货币制度主要包括货币金属、货币单位、币的铸造和发行以及流通程序、金准备制度等四项内容(许征帆,1987:815)。货币金属,即确定以何种金属作为货币材料,是整个货币制度的基础。资本主义发展初期,白银作为货币金属被广泛使用,黄金也被大量使用(吕时达,1986:349)。货币单位,是指在货币金属确定的基础上,货币单位名称及其含金量的规定(许征帆,1987:815)。各种货币的铸造、发行与流通程序,主要规定本位铸币及辅币、纸币、信用货币如何发行,以及主币(即本位币)和辅币的种类(吕时达,1986:349)。集中于中央银行或国库的金准备制度,是关于作为国际支付的准备金的规定。在金币流通情况下,金准备具有三种用途,一是作为调节国内货币流通量的准备金,一是作为支付存款的准备金,一是作为兑换银行券的准备金。由于现在不存在金币的流通,所以现在的金准备只具有第一个作用(许征帆,1987:815)。“社会主义国家货币制度的内容包括,由国家银行统一发行在全国流通的货币;这种货币是代表金属货币的价值符号;货币发行不仅有黄金储备,而且有由国家掌握的按固定价格投入流通的大量商品作保证;货币发行通过银行信贷程序有计划地投放和回笼;国家银行是货币发行和调节的机构”(吕时达,1986:349)。人民币是全国合法的货币,人民币代表黄金进行计价和流通、是靠国家掌握的大量商品作保证; 是通过银行信贷程序发行的,是独立和稳定的货币。我国现行货币制度, 规定人民币为本位币,同时规定黄金和外币必须集中于国家作国际支付用,不得在国内计价流通、结算和私自买卖(许征帆,1987:815)。


[1] 吕时达.简明经济学辞典[Z].甘肃人民出版社,1986.
[2] 许征帆.马克思主义辞典[Z].吉林大学出版社,1987.


1. 在讨论犹太精神的历史发展时,马克思再一次明确说明了这种发展只能在“工商业的实践”中才能看到,它的存在只能用现实的犹太人的“市民社会的实际基础来解释”。同时,彻底消除这种精神是一个实践的任务,即“消灭现代生活实践中的非人性的任务,这种非人性的最高表现就是货币制度”。 ——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:288

1. In discussing the historical development of the Jewish essence, Marx clearly explained that this development could only take place in “industrial practice.” Its existence can only be explained on the actual basis of civil society. At the same time, completely abolishing this essence of Jewry means “abolishing the inhumanity of the present day practice of life, the most extreme expression of which is the money system”. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 219.

2. 早在1609年,即在《略论》出现前四年,已经发表了托马斯·曼的《论英国与东印度的贸易》。这一著作早在第一版就有了特殊的意义,即它攻击当时在英国作为国家政策还受到保护的原始的货币制度,因而它代表重商主义体系对于自己原来体系的自觉的自我脱离。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:253

2. In 1609, that is four years before the Breve trattato, Thomas Mann's A Discourse of Trade etc. had appeared. The particular significance of this book was that, even in its first edition, it was directed against the original monetary system which was then still defended in England as being the policy of the state; hence it represented the conscious self-separation of the mercantile system from the system which gave it birth. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 217.

3. 因此,鲍威尔先生就没有发觉,现实的世俗的犹太精神,因而宗教的犹太精神,是由现今的市民生活所不断地产生出来的,并且在货币制度中获得了高度的发展。他之所以不能发觉这一点,是因为他不知道犹太精神是现实世界的一环,而只把它当做是他的世界即神学的一环;是因为他作为一个上帝的虔诚信徒,把现实的犹太人不是看做进行日常活动的犹太人,而是看做安息日里的伪善的犹太人。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:140

3. Consequently Herr Bauer has no inkling that real secular Jewry, and hence religious Jewry too, is being continually produced by the present-day civil life and finds its final development in the money system. He could not have any inkling of this because he did not know Jewry as a part of the real world but only as a part of his world, theology; because he, a pious, godly man, considers not the active everyday Jew but the hypocritical Jew of the Sabbath to be the real Jew. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 109.


例句 1:
Abolishing silver currency and unifying silver dollars is an important reform of monetary system carried out by Nanjing National Government. By unifying the coining and the right of issuing currency, the monetary system reform ended the messed up situation of a wide variety of currencies and had a long-lasting impact on modern monetary system, economic life and financial system.

例句 2:
In the background of globalization, the float exchange rate system will return to the fixed one, in the form of currency unions. The ultimate direction of the evolution of international monetary system is the formation of the global single currency.

例句 3:
Reform of the international monetary system should be conducive to the direction of development of the cooperative game.





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