

字词 爱国守法


patriotism and observance of law


[1] Report on the Work of the Government (2002). via: http://www.gov.cn/english/official/2005-07/29/content_18337.htm
[2] The Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China. via: http://book.theorychina.org/upload/237ca26f-1dcb-4e07-9e47-ce5c62e9072a/






1. 坚持把依法治国和以德治国结合起来。贯彻落实《公民道德建设实施纲要》,在全社会倡导“爱国守法、明礼诚信、团结友善、勤俭自强、敬业奉献”的基本道德规范。——《2002年政府工作报告》,2002

1. We will continue to run the country by virtue as well as by law. The “Citizens’ Code of Conduct” will be implemented to encourage all our people to develop the basic virtues of “patriotism and observance of law; courtesy and honesty; solidarity and friendship; diligence, frugality and self-improvement; and devotion and contribution”. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2002.

2. 倡导爱国守法、敬业诚信和勤俭节约,构建传承中华传统美德、符合社会主义精神文明要求、适应社会主义市场经济的道德和行为规范。深入推进社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德、个人品德建设。——《国民经济和社会发展十二五规划纲要》,2011

2. We will advocate patriotism and observance of the law, devotion to work, credibility and frugality; and create ethical and behavioral norms that draw on the fine ethical traditions of the Chinese nation, accord with the requirements of socialist cultural and ethical progress, and are suited to the socialist market economy. We will intensively enkindle improvements in social ethics, professional ethics, family virtues and personal character. -Quoted from The Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China, 2011

3. 但在另一方面,在七月七日卢沟桥事变以后,国民党当局又依然继续其“九一八”以来所实行的错误政策,进行了妥协和让步,压制了爱国军队的积极性,压制了爱国人民的救国运动。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:353

3. But on the other hand, even after the Lukouchiao Incident of July 7, the Kuomintang authorities are continuing to pursue the wrong policy they have pursued ever since the September 18th Incident, making compromises and concessions, suppressing the zeal of the patriotic troops and clamping down on the patriotic people’s national salvation movement. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 24.


例句 1:
Counselor in higher vocational college, the manager of class work and the organizer, leader and educator of class and students, has a vital role in students’ formation of healthy personality, improvement of study, cultivation of ability. In “Occupational Capability Standard of Counselor in colleges and universities” promulgated by Ministry of Education, “patriotism and law -abidingness, professionalism and  love, cultivation -orientation, lifelong learning, being a model of  virtue for others” are counselors’ professional codes, whose fundamental principles are working by heart, sincerely servicing, educating with love. The quality of counselor and the system construction of professional ability directly affect students’ ideological education and talent training.

例句 2:
“Eight Honors and Eight Shames” as the core of the socialist concept of honor is the basic sta





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