

字词 税收法定原则


the principle of law-based taxation; the principle of taxation legitimacy


[1] 中央文献重要术语译文发布(2015年第一期).via:http://www.cctb.net/bygz/zywxsy/201504/t20150427_321849.htm
[2] Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Reform, 2013. via:http://www.china.org.cn/china/third_plenary_session/2014-01/16/content_31212602.htm




[1] 税收发法定原则.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%A8%8E%E6%94%B6%E6%B3%95%E5%AE%9A%E5%8E%9F%E5%88%99?sefr=enterbtn
[2] 王鸿貌.税收法定原则之再研究[J].法学评论,2004(3).
[3] 曹阳.税收法定原则及其中国化研究[J].学术论坛,2016(1).
[4] 全国人大常委会法工委负责人就《贯彻落实税收法定原则的实施意见》答新华社记者问.via:http://news.xinhuanet.com/legal/2015-03/25/c_1114763794.htm


1. 加强人大预算决算审查监督、国有资产监督职能。落实税收法定原则。加强人大常委会同人大代表的联系,充分发挥代表作用。通过建立健全代表联络机构、网络平台等形式密切代表同人民群众联系。——《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,2013

1. We will reinforce the functions of the people's congress in the examination and oversight of government budgets and final accounts, and oversight of state assets. We will implement the principle of taxation legitimacy. We will increase the contacts between the Standing Committee of the NPC and the NPC deputies, and give full play to the role of deputies. Deputy liaison offices and Internet platforms will be established in people's congresses to increase deputies' contact with the people. We will improve the working mechanism of people's congresses, widen channels for the public to participate in legislative work in an orderly manner through discussion, hearing, assessment and publicizing draft laws; actively address social concerns through inquiry, investigation of specific problems, and putting on record for examination. -Quoted from Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Reform, 2013.


例句 1:
Taxation is one of the most important relationships and the most furious conflicts between a country and its taxpayer. The principle of legislative taxation is considered the best solution to this problem.

例句 2:
In the 19th century modern income tax was introduced in the UK, and the financial ties between the nation and its people became closer but tenser at the same time. The principle of taxation traditionally adopted to protect the rights of taxpayers had to be renewed.

例句 3:
Modern civilization is based on the principle of statutory tax and the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime. The principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime is the protection of personal rights, while the principle of statutory tax is the protection of property rights.





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