

字词 国家干预


state intervention


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 132.


国家干预(state intervention)是指在以市场机制为基础的市场经济条件下,为了克服市场失灵,国家运用管制和宏观调控等手段规范市场主体的行为,以校正、补充市场缺陷的活动的总称。凯恩斯主义是国家干预的理论基础。国家干预经济是一种手段,是指国家运用各种手段对国民经济进行的控制和调节。国家干预经济的主要任务是保持经济总量平衡,抑制通货膨胀,促进经济结构优化,实现经济稳定增长。具体说来,经济总量包括社会总需求和社会总供给两方面,社会经济的有序运行,要求这两个方面达到基本平衡,且内部结构也必须合理(《国家干预》,via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6445503-6659184.html)。凯恩斯关于国家干预的政策主张有两大特点:其一是以稳定经济为目标;其二是强调财政政策在稳定经济中的重要作用。在稳定经济的政策考虑上,凯思斯依据不同时期的经济背景,提出两方面的政策主张。在面对1929—1933年危机,凯思斯主张要依靠国家的干预来刺激有效需求,保证整个社会充分就业状况的实现。战后,英国政府发表的《就业白皮书》(1945年)和美国的‘就业法案”(1946年通过)都反映了凯思斯的这一思想。另一方面,凯思斯的《就业、利息和货币通论》出版后不久,第二次世界大战就爆发了。主要资本主义国家的经济就转入了战时经济的轨道,这时它们面对的国内经济问题,不是供给过度,而是供给不足,不是萧条,而是通货膨胀,不是失业,而是缺乏劳动力。这样,在政府还来不及运用刺激总需求的手段以减少失业人数的时候,经济政策的重点就变为如何抑制总需求以防止通货膨胀的来临。为了防止出现通货膨胀,第二次世界大战爆发后不久,凯思斯提出应当抑制战时消费需求,增加储蓄(《凯恩斯的国家干预理论》,via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/凯恩斯的国家干预理论)。


[1] 国家干预.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6445503-6659184.html
[2] 凯恩斯的国家干预理论.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/凯恩斯的国家干预理论


1. 既然不发达的工业部门不能提供必要的资金,国家便不得不向农民榨取,正如资本主义原始积累向各种非资本主义成分榨取资金一样。因此“剪刀差”危机不仅被热情地接受,还通过国家干预而持续下去了。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:123

1. The underdeveloped industrial sector could not provide the necessary capital: the state would have to extract it from the peasantry, just as primitive capitalist accumulation had extracted it from non-capitalist sectors. The scissors crisis was thus to be welcomed and perpetuated by state intervention. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 132.

2. 与此相反,纽曼则强调,经济困难产生于魏玛德国不断增长的卡特尔化;以及为了“增强垄断的地位和促使所有商业的活动完全融入工业组织的网络中”时,因而有必要实行国家干预。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:277

2. By contrast, Neumann stressed the economic difficulties caused by growing cartelisation in Weimar Germany and the necessity for state intervention in order to ‘strengthen the monopolistic position, to aid the complete incorporation of all business activities into the network of industrial organisations. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 291.

3. 晚期资本主义所固有的利益冲突和对国家干预提出的矛盾要求,必然意味着国家的援助在分配上是机能失调的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:285

3. For the conflict of interests inherent in late capitalism and the contradictory demands on state intervention tended to mean that state aid was dysfunctionally distributed. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 300.


例句 1:
Due to the inherent defects of the market, state intervention in the market situation is emerging, then we should be legal basis for state intervention, state intervention in the depth and breadth of the border issue, state intervention ability to dominate the market as well as our how to use legal the system of control in-depth analysis of the market economy.

例句 2:
It cannot be denied that the notion of autonomy of private law plays a fundamental role in modern civil law. As modern civil law develops, there emerges a trend towards a dynamic balance between autonomy of private law and state intervention by adding the concept of state intervention including legal paternalism to the long-established notion of autonomy of private law while emphasizing autonomy of private law and centering on inviolability of private rights.

例句 3:
If you will simply a





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