

字词 理气二元论


the dualism of li and qi (or spiritual beings in the universe and their material forms);a theory probing the origin and formation of the present world by great Chinese thinker and philosopher Zhuxi (1130-1200 A.D.) of the Song Dynasty.


高海波.宋明理学从二元论到一元论的转变——以理气论、人性论为例[Z].via: http://www.rujiazg.com/article/id/10152/


理气二元论是我国宋代哲学家朱熹所倡导的一种关于世间万物的形成和起源的学说。朱熹继承程颐关于“理”和“气”的观点,认为“天地之间有理有气”,理和气是不能相离的,是两种东西。朱熹提出:“天下未有无理之气,亦未有无气之理”(《朱子语类》卷一);“在物上看,则二物混渝(统一),不可分开各一处,然不害二物之各一物也”(《朱子文集-答刘叔文》)。朱熹所说的理,是指形成事物的原理或原则,是一种抽象的,精神的东西;“气”是构成事物的原料,是有形质的东西,也就是现在所谓物质。朱熹企图调和唯物主义和唯心主义,认为“理”和“气”是相互依存的,他们共同造成世界的一切事物。但朱熹同时认为,在理气二者之中,理是根本的、主要的,是形而上的生物之本;气是形而下的,是生物之具。他说:“理气本无先后之可言,然必欲推其所从来,则须说先有是理。”(《语类》卷一)他又认为理是永恒的,绝对的,“论万物之一原,则理同而气异”(《文集-答黄商伯》)(理气二元论.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=ty-pNgNHJeGbhiB_hO8h8ETVGsKH-FW9awCgCFID-C0k8f3dBazjnYPii9HgW592-835w2yy1fScj8bxt4lSo4TiQDv3Tz5Edqme6l1Z0CRmJFgSM23d7ex5m9E6WCwGYeEjptEPtXtjAn3So0LHb_#1)。


理气二元论. via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=ty-pNgNHJeGbhiB_hO8h8ETVGsKH-FW9awCgCFID-C0k8f3dBazjnYPii9HgW592-835w2yy1fScj8bxt4lSo4TiQDv3Tz5Edqme6l1Z0CRmJFgSM23d7ex5m9E6WCwGYeEjptEPtXtjAn3So0LHb_#1


1. 一定的本体构架必生出同质的认知结构。依阿多诺的法,任何一种同一性逻辑的等级结构又必定导致不可避免的二元认知构架,第一哲学必然和“二元论走到一起”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:21-22

1. An ontological framework must give birth to a homogenous cognitive structure. In Adorno’s view, any kind of hierarchical structure of identity logic will inevitably lead to a dualistic cognitive framework. The First philosophy and dualism inevitably go together with each other. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 42.

2. 或者换句话说,过去在形而上学中出现的主体与客体的二元分裂的两极性是一种非辩证结构。显而易见,阿多诺这里讲的二元论不是指斯宾诺莎式的实体二元论或康德式的二元世界,而是指一切哲学中主体与客体的分立。这是缘起于海德格尔的批判话语。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:22

2. In other words, the polarity of subject and object in the traditional metaphysics may well appear to be an un-dialectical structure. Obviously, Adorno’s notion of dualism is neither identical with Spinozaian substantive dualism nor with the Kantian binary world, but rather referring to the segregation of subject and object in all kinds of philosophies, which can be traced back to Heidegger’s critical discourse. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 41-42.

3. 因为,在这种二分法中,“客体成为被支配的异己物而加以占有”,这本身就是一种主体同一性的秩序的预设(orderly preparation),这也就必然造成“思想成为总体的内在要求”。也就是说,二元论的结果最终还是思想的同一性。所以,“绝对的二元论就是同一性”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:22

3. Therefore, the separation, which makes the object the alien thing to be mastered and possessed, is indeed subjective, the result of orderly preparation. That is to say, dualism ultimately leads to the unity of thoughts. Thus, “absolute duality would be unity.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 42.


例句 1:
Both Japan and China are parts of the East Asian Cultural Sphere. In modem times, Japan, a neighbor of China separated by a strip of water, develops rapidly in both economy and culture. A study of Japan’s development from the prospective of philosophy and ideology will widen the scope of the research on the School of Zhu Xi and benefit China’s development in related fields.

例句 2:
Theories of Human Nature have been existing for over 2000 years in the system of Chinese traditional philosophy^ which began from Shang and Zhou Dynasties and developed during the Pre-Qin Period. In Song Dynasty, the ideological trend of Qi Binary and the thought that man is bom good became the main stream. However, Kang Youwei’s theory of human nature is quite different from the main stream.

例句 3:
Many of Liu Zongzhou’s work reserved, and the contents are complicated. As the “rear guard” he summ





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