

字词 方法论




Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014:364.


方法论是关于人类认识世界、改造世界的一般方式、方法的总的学说和理论体系。方法论“按不同层次有哲学方法论、一般科学方法论和具体科学方法论之分。哲学方法论是指认识世界和改造世界、探索实现主观与客观相一致的最一般的方法论,它是各门科学方法论的概括和总结,具有普遍指导意义;一般科学方法论是指适用于有关领域的各门学科,带有一般意义的方法论;具体科学方法论是指涉及某一具体领域的方法论。三者互相依存、互相影响”。(谭鑫田,1992:131)方法论同世界观是统一的。人们对整个世界的基本观点和总的看法就是世界观,而拿这种观点作指导,并去研究和解决世界上的问题,就是方法论。一般说来,有什么样的世界观,就有什么样的方法论,既没有离开世界观的单独方法论,也没有不是方法论的单纯的世界观。辩证法与形而上学是人类认识史上两种根本对立的世界观、方法论。(刘延勃,1983:81)辩证法的世界观规定人们从事物的普遍联系和永恒发展变化中分析事物的具体性质、具体矛盾解决问题并促成事物的发展。形而上学则误导人们从孤立、静止和外部联系中去认识事物,是错误的世界观和方法论。(何彦才,1989:53)辩证唯物主义是唯一科学的世界观、方法论,是无产阶级和一切进步势力认识世界、改造世界的强大思想武器。马克思主义哲学是世界观和方法论的统一。(via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006433582&d=585EA3C57694ABF8B70F15E825A5B837)


[1] 谭鑫田.西方哲学词典[Z].山东人民出版社,1992.
[2] 刘延勃.哲学小辞典[Z].吉林人民出版社,1983.
[3] 何彦才.马克思主义原理学科辞典[Z].科学技术文献出版社,1989.
[4] 方法论.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006433582&d=585EA3C57694ABF8B70F15E825A5B837


1. 蒲鲁东在这种方法论上所受到的隐性制约,比他在表面上那无比激动、激情澎湃、口若悬河的批判性论述更为根本,更显关键。所以,虽然他看起来是在批判资产阶级社会,而本质上却在一个更深的理论层面论证资产阶级社会的永恒性。这种悖论,恰恰是蒲鲁东所无法理解、无法企及的辩证法。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:465

1. The latent constraints of this methodology under which Proudhon operated appear all the more fundamental, all the more critical beneath the surface of his passionate, fervent rhetoric. Therefore, although he appears to criticize bourgeois society, on a deeper theoretical level he essentially proves the eternal nature of bourgeois society. This paradox was the dialectic that Proudhon was unable to understand or aspire to. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 364.

2. 主要在20世纪50年代和60年代从事写作的德拉-沃尔佩认为,黑格尔利用从抽象到具体、又复归到抽象的辩证法,混淆了概念过程与现实过程。相反,马克思主义的方法论则与一种以科学逻辑为基础的认识论有关,这种认识论从具体到抽象、又复归到具体,这一过程类似于伽利略的假设一演绎法。—— 《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:315

2. Della Volpe writing mainly in the 1950s and 1960s claimed that Hegel confused conceptual processes with real processes by means of a dialectic that went from abstract to the concrete to end up against in the abstract. Marxist methodology, on the other hand, involved an epistemology that was based on a scientific logic which went from the concrete to the abstract to return to the concrete in a manner akin to that of the Galilean hypothetico-deductive method. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 326.

3. 因为,重要的不是波格丹诺夫和其他马赫主义者的差别,而是他们的共同点:唯心地解释“经验”和“能量”,否认客观实在。可是人的经验就是对客观实在的适应,唯一科学的“方法论”和科学的“唯能论”就是客观实在的模写。——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:286

3. For the important thing is not the differences between Bogdanov and the other Machists, but what they have in common: the idealist interpretation of “experience” and “energy”, the denial of objective reality, adaptation to which constitutes human experience and the copying of which constitutes the only scientific “methodology” and scientific “energetics”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 272.


例句 1:
思想政治教育方法论现代性研究 现代性是现代社会发展的精神特质和价值追求。——《思想政治教育方法论现代性研究》,吉林大学硕士学位论文,2014
The Study of Modernity of the Ideological and Political Education Methodology Modernity is the spirit and value pursuit of the development of modern society.

例句 2:
The innovation methodology of Marxist theory is a way of thinking, an innovative methodological guidance and specific methods of the main theoretical innovation. It is the enrichment and development of the innovative practice of Marxist world outlook and methodology in contemporary China with the practical features, the theoretical characteristics, national characteristics and characteristics of the times.

例句 3:
This thesis is divided into four parts, the first part is the introduction, mainly discusses the background and significance of the research, social science methodology overview, research ideas and methods, the research literature combing several issues.





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