字词 | 市场秩序 |
释义 | 市场秩序【英】market order译文来源[1] Opinions of the State Council on Promoting Fair Market Competition and Maintaining the Normal Market Order. via: http://www.lawinfochina.com/display.aspx?id=17407&lib=law 定义市场秩序又称为市场经济秩序。秩序是指事物运动过程中表现出来的一种有序状态,或者说是事物的有序运动。市场经济秩序可以定义为:由市场经济的制度安排、法律体系和社会观念等所规范、形成和保持的经济运行的有序状态(张卓元,1998:119)。在现代市场经济体系中,市场秩序是指以明晰的产权为基本制度,以价格体系为资源配置的基本机制,以有效竞争为结构特点的市场经济体系在配置资源中所呈现出来的和谐、有序、稳定的运行状态。市场秩序的本质在于,它是一个“利益共享”、“正和博弈”、“利益和谐”、“合作”、“法治而富有道德”、“自由而富有创新活力”、“不断扩展”、“具有自我出清、自我纠错和自我维持”的秩序。市场秩序的作用则体现在它能在实现利益和谐的基础上,尽可能地创造并实现社会整体利益和个体利益的最大化(纪宝成,2004:26-29)。 定义来源[1] 张卓元.政治经济学大辞典[M].经济科学出版社,1998 例句1. 全会决定对健全宏观调控体系、全面正确履行政府职能、优化政府组织结构进行了部署,强调政府的职责和作用主要是保持 宏观经济稳定,加强和优化公共服务,保障公平竞争,加强市场监管,维护市场秩序,推动可持续发展,促进共同富裕,弥补市场失灵。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:77 1. The Decision also makes plans for improving macro control, correctly performing government functions in all areas, and improving the organization of government. It stresses that the main responsibility and role of the government is to maintain the stability of the macro economy, strengthen and improve public services, ensure fair competition, strengthen market oversight, maintain market order, promote sustainable development and common prosperity, and intervene in situations where market failure occurs. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 85. 2. 不失时机加快价格改革。改革方向是发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用,大幅缩减政府定价种类和项目,具备竞争条件的商品和服务价格原则上都要放开。取消绝大部分药品政府定价,下放一批基本公共服务收费定价权。扩大输配电价改革试点,推进农业水价改革,健全节能环保价格政策。完善资源性产品价格,全面实行居民阶梯价格制度。同时必须加强价格监管,规范市场秩序,确保低收入群众基本生活。——《2015年政府工作报告》 2. This reform is aimed at ensuring the market plays the decisive role in allocating resources and significantly reducing the number of categories and items of goods and services for which prices are set by the government. In principle, we will lift pricing controls over all goods and services that can viably compete in markets. The government will stop setting prices for most pharmaceuticals and delegate to lower-level governments the power to set prices for certain basic public services. We will expand the trials of pricing reforms for electricity transmission and distribution, carry out pricing reforms for water used in agriculture, and improve pricing policies to make them more conducive to energy conservation and environmental protection. We will improve the pricing of resource products and fully implement a system of tiered pricing for electricity, water, and natural gas used for household purposes. At the same time, we must strengthen oversight over pricing, improve market order, and ensure the basic living standards of people on low incomes. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2015. 3. 为了规范互联网信息服务市场秩序,保护互联网信息服务提供者和用户的合法权益,促进互联网行业的健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国电信条例》、《互联网信息服务管理办法》等法律、行政法规的规定,制定本规定。——《规范互联网信息服务市场秩序若干规定》,2011 3. These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Regulation on Telecommunications of the People's Republic of China, the Administrative Measures for Internet Information Services and other laws and administrative regulations for purposes of regulating the market order of internet information services, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of internet information service providers and users, and promoting the sound development of the internet industry. -Quoted from Several Provisions on Regulating the Market Order of Internet Information Services,2012. via: http://en.pkulaw.cn/display.aspx?cgid=164816&lib=law 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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