

字词 工业部门


the industrial sector


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 29.


工业部门(the industrial sector)是指由社会分工而分离出来的、专门生产同类产品的企业总和。这里所谓同类产品,指产品经济用途同类,或使用的原材料同类,或工艺过程性质同类。这是工业部门分类的基本标志。如建材工业就是产品经济用途同类的企业组成;冶金工业就是工艺过程性质同类的企业组成(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6287774-6501258.html)。工业部门的形成是生产力发展、社会分工和科学技术进步的结果。由于工业生产进一步专业化,使原有工业部门进一步分离,并逐步形成一些新的工业部门,从而使工业部门结构也相应地发生某些新的变化,这些变化的总趋势是工业部门越来越多,分工越来越细,工业部门结构也日趋复杂。工业就其产品性质,可以分为重工业和轻工业两大类:重工业是主要生产生产资料的各工业部门的总称,如采矿、冶金、机械、电力、建筑材料、化学工业,以及新兴的电子计算机工业、核工业、航天工业等。重工业产品大部分用于满足生产的需要,也有一部分供生活消费需要,如生活用的电力,煤炭等。轻工业是主要生产消费资料的各工业部门的总称,如纺织、食品、皮革、造纸、化学药品,钟表, 家用电器、自行车等工业。轻工业产品大部分是生活消费品,也有一部分用于生产方面,如工业用的织物、纸张等(via: http://wenda.so.com/q/1369873558065363)。


[1] via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6287774-6501258.html
[2] via: http://wenda.so.com/q/1369873558065363


1. 考茨基还强调指出了世界市场中工业部门和农业部门扩张中的不平衡,后者扩张得慢,从而不能为前者提供充分的市场和原料。—— 《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:25

1. Kautsky also emphasised the imbalance in expansion between the industrial and the agricultural sectors of the world market, the slow expansion of the latter being unable fully to supply the market or raw materials for the former. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 29.

2. 既然不发达的工业部门不能提供必要的资金,国家便不得不向农民榨取,正如资本主义原始积累向各种非资本主义成分榨取资金一样。因此“剪刀差”危机不仅被热情地接受,还通过国家干预而持续下去了。—— 《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:123

2. The underdeveloped industrial sector could not provide the necessary capital: the state would have to extract it from the peasantry, just as primitive capitalist accumulation had extracted it from non-capitalist sectors. The scissors crisis was thus to be welcomed and perpetuated by state intervention. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 132.

3. 斯大林为他的所谓“伟大的转折”提供的理由是:近来在工业部门,特别是在工业建设方面,劳动生产率已有所提高;与此同时,集体化的小型农业部门所提供的粮食供应也有了改善(同负隅顽抗的个体土地所有者所提供的数量相比较而言)。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:137

3. The reason Stalin gave for what he described as “the great turn” were the recent improvements of labour productivity in the industrial sector, and particularly in industrial construction, combined with the improving supply of grain from the small collectivised agricultural sector as compared with the recalcitrant private holdings. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 146-147.


例句 1:
In the early 20th century, the period of short of labors had already past, the main task to American was growing the new-style industry, and reconstruct the traditional industrial department. The labor’s quality was requested gradually. 

例句 2:
Trust as a capitalist monopoly organization form, which was originally born in the United States in 1882. With the rapid development, it had occupied ascendancy in the industrial sector in the United States.

例句 3:
In the long time aid practice, Britain’s foreign aid has been changed in the form of structure, authorities and assistance ideology. The dominant form of British foreign aid transferred from project aid to programme aid and its emphasis swung from assisting directly productive sectors in favor of education, health and other social sectors; the position of the aid authorities degraded and upgraded





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