

字词 超额准备(又作超额准备金)


excess reserves


[1] Excess reserves. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_reserves
[2] 中国人民银行办公厅关于印发《经济金融术语汉英对照表》的通知.via: http://www.pkulaw.cn/fulltext_form.aspx?Db=chl&Gid=33680&keyword=%e8%b6%85%e9%a2%9d%e5%87%86%e5%a4%87&EncodingName=&Search_Mode=accurate


超额准备亦称“超额准备金”, 是总准备金减去银行或存款机构按货币当局规定必须保留的法定准备金后的剩余部分。超额准备对商业银行的资产业务规模有很重要的影响。超额准备的增加,意味着该银行的潜在放款或投资能力增强,但在这部分准备金未动用之前,超额准备越大,潜在的利息损失也越大。由于超额准备的形成实际上是银行有扩张能力却没有扩张到最大限度的结果,同时保留超额储备大都是以预防意外的大额提现,或是为了购买证券。所以,在西方有许多经济学家又把超额准备称为“风险准备”(刘伟等,1994:1306)。在我国超额准备金又称“备付金”、“存款备付金”(刘树成,2005:88)。


[1] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994.
[2] 刘树成.现代经济辞典[Z].凤凰出版社,2005.
[3] 超额准备金.via:


1. 超额备付金=商业银行在中央银行的超额准备金存款+库存现金。——《商业银行流动性风险管理办法(试行)》,2014

1. Excess reserves = Excess reserve deposits of a commercial bank placed with the central bank + Cash on hand Excess reserve ratio = Excess reserves / Total deposits × 100%. -Quoted from Measures for the Liquidity Risk Management of Commercial Banks (for Trial Implementation), 2014. via:http://en.pkulaw.cn/display.aspx?cgid=218941&lib=law

2. 三、金融机构存款利率保持不变。人民银行对金融机构的贷款利率、存款准备金利率和超额准备金存款利率保持不变。——《中国人民银行关于调整金融机构人民币贷款利率的通知》,2006

2. III. The interest rates for the saving deposits in financial institutions shall remain unchanged. The interest rates for the loans which the People's Bank of China granted to the financial institutions, the deposit reserve interest rates or the excessive reserve deposit interest rates of financial institutions shall not remain unchanged. -Quoted from Notice of the People's Bank of China on Adjusting the RMB Loan Interest Rates of Financial Institutions, 2006. via:http://en.pkulaw.cn/display.aspx?cgid=78774&lib=law

3. 邮政汇兑资金在人民银行贷方余额执行超额准备金利率,按日计息,按季结息,计息期间遇利率调整分段计息,每季度末月的20日为结息日。——《中国人民银行关于人民币存贷款计结息问题的通知》,2005

3. For postal exchange funds, the interest rate of excess reserves shall be implemented in the credit balance of the People's Bank, and shall be calculated each day and paid on the quarterly basis according to the prevailing deposit interest rate, and the 20th day of the last month of each quarter shall be the date for the settlement of interest. -Quoted from Notice of the People's Bank of China on the Calculation and Settlement of Interest for RMB Deposits and Loans, 2005. via:http://en.pkulaw.cn/display.aspx?cgid=59344&lib=law


例句 1:
In 1994, China's banking system appeared for the first time and kept increasing year by year, and the trend of increase was very swift and violent. There was a large amount of liquidity assets in the banking system, and the excess reserve ratio has been at a high level.

例句 2:
The commercial bank excess reserve rate and the monetary multiplier is closely related to the stability of the excess reserve rate changes directly affect the money multiplier, the money multiplier of China's monetary policy stability is the premise of the exertion of regulation mechanism.

例句 3:
This complete system, which includes conventional policy tools, selective policy instruments and a range of other policy tools, uses broad money supply as the intermediate target, and money market interest rate and financial institutions’ excess reserve ratio as the operating target.





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