字词 | 客观主义 |
释义 | 客观主义【英】objectivism; objectivist译文来源[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:758. 定义一般来说,客砚主义有两种含义:(1)指从客观存在第一性的观点出发解答基本的认识论问题,坚持对象、物、物体是在我们之外,不依赖于我们而存在着的,我们的感觉是外部世界的映象(唐合俭,1986:41)。(2)一种主张“纯客观”的资产阶级思潮。它反对对社会历史作阶级分析,笼统谈历史过程的必然性,否认阶级斗争是这个必然性的根本内容。马克思主义强调一切从实际出发,就是强调在认识和处理主观因素与客观因素的相互关系时,注意把握客观因素的决定性和基础性。但是,这种决定性和基础性常常被客观主义者有意或无意地歪曲。客观主义往往轻视或忽视主观因素的创造性作用,坐等客观规律发生作用,听天由命地寄希望于客观条件的自发作用。如果只看到客观因素,不能把握复杂的主观因素,就不能正确理解社会历史和社会实践的本质,就不能把握社会发展的趋势,就不能理解不同利益关系、主观能动性和意识形态对社会发展进程的巨大影响作用。所以,我们在防止和反对主观主义的同时,还要警惕客观主义的危害(姜迎春,2013:25)。 定义来源[1] 唐合俭.论主观主义和客观主义是一对哲学范畴[J].求索,1986(1). 例句1. 从哲学历史观的深处看,如果黑格尔反对古典经济学是客观主义的自我批判的话,那么西斯蒙第反对李嘉图则是一种主观主义反对客观主义的斗争;如果说李嘉图是想分析资产阶级社会经济活动和这类社会结构的内在联系是什么的话,那么西斯蒙第则告诉我们社会历史现实应该与不应该是什么。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中哲学话语》,2009:87-88 1. From the perspective of philosophical history, Hegel’s criticism of classical economics targeted the objectivist and self-criticizing nature of classical economics, while Sismondi’s critique of Ricardo can be seen as the struggle between subjectivism and objectivism. Ricardo analyzed the internal relationships between the economic activities of bourgeois society and the structure of this society, endeavoring to discover what those relationships were; Sismondi, on the other hand, strove to show what those relationships ought to be. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 55. 2. 在西斯蒙第看来,人的消费应该是经济生活的目的,生产不过是满足消费的物质手段,分配则是生产和消费之间的中介。他主张消费决定生产。这个观点,在一个多世纪以后,倒是有鲍德里亚以另一种形式极端地表达出来。显然,相对于李嘉图的为了生产而生产的客观主义出发点,西斯蒙第的出发点则是人类主体的消费。西斯蒙第认为,正是由于离开了人这个主体,斯密的理论在李嘉图手里就陷入了抽象。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中哲学话语》,2009:89 2. In Simondi’s opinion, human consumption should be the purpose of economic life. Production is only the material means by which consumption is satisfied, while distribution acts as an intermediary between production and consumption. Simondi argued that consumption determines production. This assertion was radically put forth in a different form more than a century later by Jean Baudrillard. Thus, we see that in contrast to Ricardo’s objectivist theoretical base of “production for the sake of production,” Simondi bases ha analysis on the consumption carried out by human subjects. Simondi argues that in leaving human subjectivity, Ricardo causes Smith’s theories to become abstract. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 56. 3. 在战后,一次范围广泛的“哲学讨论”又提起了人们对哲学问题的兴趣。讨论以谴责亚历山大罗夫(Alexandrov)的《西欧哲学史》过于“客观主义”而告终。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2011:139 3. Interest in philosophical questions revived after the war with a wide-ranging “philosophical discussion” which ended with condemnation of Alexandrov’s History of Western European Philosophy for being too “Objectivist”. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx An Introduction, 2001: 149. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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