

字词 城乡差别


difference between town and country; difference between urban and rural areas; gap between urban and rural areas


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:348.
[2] Build a Well-off Society in an All-round Way and Create a New Situation in Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, 2002: 22. via: http://book.theorychina.org/upload/9b5f418a-4ed3-447e-837e-faee6c1a8122/
[3] Historical Witness to Ethnic Equality, Unity and Development in Xinjiang, 2015, via: http://english.gov.cn/archive/white_paper/2015/09/24/content_281475197200182.htm


城乡差别,城市和乡村的差别的简称。指城市和乡村之间在经济文化水平和社会经济关系上的不同和差异。城乡差别是自有城乡以来人类社会发展的普遍现象。实践证明,城乡差别的消极影响处于主要地位,因此,消灭城乡差别成为人类的共同理想和社会主义的价值目标。城乡差别随着社会分工、阶级分化和城市的形成而产生。城市和乡村的分工促进了社会生产力的发展,但在私有制社会中表现为对立关系,一般集中表现为城市统治阶级和乡村劳动群众之间的对立关系。无产阶级夺取政权后,建立了社会主义公有制,消除了私有制社会的城乡对立,加强了无产阶级领导下的工农联盟,建立新型的城乡关系。但是由于乡村落后于城市的历史原因,两者在生产水平、经济收入、文化水平和生活条件等方面还存在着本质差别。在将来向共产主义过渡的过程中,随着生产力的巨大发展和农业、工业、科学技术现代化的实现,城市和乡村之间的本质差别将日渐消失(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2037002-2155280.html)。现如今,中国的城乡差别主要表现在:在教育方面,无论是普通教育还是高等教育方面,中国在城乡之间都存在着巨大的差距。在普通教育和义务教育方面,中国的城市在教育经费投入、教育设施、教师水平、师生比、教育内容等方面都优于农村;在医疗方面,中国的三甲医院都集中在大中城市,县级政府所在地很少有三甲医院,医疗资源分布不均。城市,尤其是少数大城市过多地集中了较好的医疗资源,乡村所在地区医疗资源较为缺乏;在社会保障方面,中国城镇居民拥有较好的保障体系和保障水平,如医疗保险、养老保险、失业保险,此外,低保、救济社会福利制度较为健全。但是,中国农村居民基本上还没有纳入中国社会保障体系内,即使农村居民的保险,也是低水平的和低层次的,如农村合作医疗和农民养老保险水平和层次都较低(中国行政体制改革研究会研究部编,2012:83)。


[1] via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2037002-2155280.html
[2] 中国行政体制改革研究会研究部编.行政体制改革新探索[M].国家行政学院出版社,2012.


1. 从前那个唐山煤矿我是知道的,那么大一个煤矿,历来是农闲的时候大量的临时工从农村到矿山来,进矿开坑道,农忙的时候临时工走了,剩一部分工人挖煤炭,出煤炭。这也可以保持均衡生产,煤炭还是出那么多。所以,大城市、大矿山都可以实行亦工亦农制度。这样,家属也免得进城了,农民也学到技术了,对缩小城乡差别有好处。——《刘少奇选集(下卷)》,1985:471

1. The huge coal mine at Tang-shan, which I know of quite well, used to employ a good many peasants during the slack farming season as temporary workers to build galleries; during busy farming seasons the peasants go home, leaving only the miners to dig and transport coal. In this way the mine maintained fairly stable production and fulfilled its production quotas. So, it can be seen that in large cities and mines a labour system designed to tap the labour potential of peasants is feasible. Moreover, it obviates the necessity for families of the peasants to move along with them to the city and allows the peasants to pick up skills. Finally, the system helps to reduce the difference between town and country. -Quoted from Selected Works of Liu Shaoqi (Vol.2), 1991: 451.

2. 在优化结构和提高效益的基础上,国内生产总值到二〇二〇年力争比二〇〇〇年翻两番,综合国力和国际竞争力明显增强。基本实现工业化,建成完善的社会主义市场经济体制和更具活力、更加开放的经济体系。城镇人口的比重较大幅度提高,工农差别、城乡差别和地区差别扩大的趋势逐步扭转。社会保障体系比较健全,社会就业比较充分,家庭财产普遍增加,人民过上更加富足的生活。——《全面建设小康社会,开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面——江泽民总书记在中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会上的报告》,2002:22

2. On the basis of optimized structure and better economic returns, efforts will be made to quadruple the GDP of the year 2000 by 2020, and China’s overall national strength and international competitiveness will increase markedly. We will in the main achieve industrialization and establish a full-fledged socialist market economy and a more open and viable economic system. The proportion of urban population will go up considerably and the trend of widening differences between industry and agriculture, between urban and rural areas and between regions will be reversed step by step. We will have a fairly sound social security system. There will be a higher rate of employment. People will have more family property and lead a more prosperous life.-Quoted from Build a Well-off Society in an All-round Way and Create a New Situation in Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, 2002: 22.

3. 城乡差距逐步缩小。自治区成立之初,新疆只有乌鲁木齐、喀什、伊宁、哈密等少数城市,农村处于封闭的自然经济状态,城乡差别很大。经过60年的建设和发展,城乡居民的生产生活条件得到极大改善。——《新疆各民族平等团结发展的历史见证》,2015

3. The gap between urban and rural areas has gradually been narrowed. When the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was founded, it had only few cities like Urumqi, Kashi (Kashgar), Yining (Ghulja) and Hami (Kumul). Its rural areas remained a closed natural economy. There was a yawning gap between urban and rural areas. After six decades of construction and development, enormous improvement has been observed in the production and living conditions of both urban and rural residents. -Quoted from Historical Witness to Ethnic Equality, Unity and Development in Xinjiang, 2015.


例句 1:
The urban-rural disparity has been the universal phenomenon since the urban-rural areas appeared in the development of mankind, and it refers to the differences of the economic level, cultural level and social economic relations between urban and rural areas.

例句 2:
The urban-rural relationship is one of the basic questions that human beings have to face after urban-rural difference and urban-rural antagonism came into being.

例句 3:
Eliminating the difference between urban and rural areas is a good idea for the future society by Marx and Engels. Marx and Engels began to produce and development to explore the gap between urban and rural areas from the study of the social division of labor, pointed out the differences between urban and rural areas of economy, politics, culture and society, and mainly from the social division of labor, agricultural industrialization, urbanization, urban-rural integration, free migration of rural labor





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