

字词 《俄国资本主义的发展》


The Development of Capitalism in Russia


[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 77.
[2] Lenin. V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 2008: 152.
[3] The Development of Capitalism in Russia. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Development_of_Capitalism_in_Russia






1. 1896 年,列宁被捕,并遭流放。由于他认为工人阶级觉悟的发展和社会民主党的发展是与俄国经济的发展携手并进的,因此,在流放期间他非常细致地研究了这个问题,并写了一部被大大低估了的著作——《俄国资本主义的发展》。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:70

1. In 1896 Lenin was arrested and went into exile. Because he held that the development of working-c1ass consciousness and of the Social Democratic Party went hand in hand with the economic development of Russia, he studied this subject in great detail in his exile and produced a much underrated work, The Development of Capitalism in Russia. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 77.

2. 我们只在这里谈一下解决了这个困难的那个新理论的实质,我们打算在别的地方再比较详细地叙述这个理论。见《资本论》第2卷第3篇(见《马克思恩斯全集》第24卷第389-592页。——编者注)(更详细的叙述见《俄国资本主义的发展》第1章)43。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》, 1984: 122

2. We give here only the gist of the new theory which provides this solution, leaving ourselves free to present it in greater detail elsewhere. See Das Kapital, II. Band, III, Abschnitt. (For a more detailed exposition, see The Development of Capitalism, chap. I.) -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1977: 152.


例句 1:
During his reign, the Tsar Alexander appointed a group of liberal officials, and carried out a series of reforms, which accelerated the rate of the capitalist development and modernization of Russia.

例句 2:
So to speak, capitalistic development history in Russian was accompanied by the flourishing development of new national financial system. Not only the number of credit institution increased, but the distribution of credit institution became presented in a form of ladder and network. So the credit institution could offer diversified credit services for people in different social strata and for the national economic construction. 

例句 3:
At present, research results of the Russian industrialization and the modernized research are many, it is also many about Lenin's industrialization and electrification after the October Revolution. However, the author had not seen that any achievement discusses his industrialization





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