

字词 叔本华


Arthur Schopenhauer


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1361.
[2] Arthur Schopenhauer.via:


亚瑟·叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer,1788年2月22日-1860年9月21日),德国 19 世纪的唯心主义哲学家,他是唯意志主义的创始人,他的悲观主义哲学思想有着极为深远的影响。1860年9月21日叔本华逝世,死后将所有财产都捐献给了慈善事业。叔本华继承了康德对于现象和物自体之间的区分,不同于他同代的费希特、谢林、黑格尔等取消物自体的做法,他坚持物自体,并认为它可以通过直观而被认识,将其确定为意志。意志独立于时间、空间,所有理性、知识都从属于它。叔本华影响了尼采、萨特等诸多哲学家,开启了非理性主义哲学,著有《论充足理由律的四重根》、《作为意志和表象的世界》、《论道德的起源与基础》、《论视觉与颜色》、《论自然中的意志》、《论意志的自由》、《论道德的基础》、《伦理学中的两个基本问题》、《附录与补遗》等(百度百科)。其中,他在《作为意志和表象的世界》一书中提出“世界是我的表象”,他把客观世界同主体意识中的世界混为一谈。在此基础上,他完成了他的意志论哲学体系:意志(自在之物)——理念(意志的直接客体化)——事物(意志的间接客体化)。叔本华的悲观哲学、意志主义、形而上学和美学思想影响了很多后来的哲学家、艺术家和心理学家等。叔本华悲观主义哲学思想的主要内容包括:(1)人的意志的问题。叔本华认为“人的意志是生命中一种不可控制的冲动和欲望,主要表现为两种方式,一种是保证自己的生存意志,还有一种生殖意志,二者都是为了保证生命的存在”,(2)人生是痛苦的。人生总是处在一种欲求以及摆脱欲求的痛苦挣扎的状态中。幸福只是在欲求得到满足之后,短暂的快乐。(3)摆脱人生痛苦的方式是自杀、禁欲。叔本华认为人的生命是意志的外在表现,生命作为意志的载体消失了,并不代表意志的消失,只有通过控制欲望,才能达到摆脱痛苦。叔本华悲观主义思想的产生受到了时代背景和家庭的影响,1848年资产阶级革命失败以后,德国的资产阶级开始推崇与当时社会以及自身心境比较符合的悲观主义,更重要的是叔本华没有一个完整的家,一生独身。叔本华的唯意志论和悲观主义的无节制膨胀使其陷入了悲观主义的绝境。德国社会学家和哲学家西美尔评价:“他试图通过残忍者对他人施加的痛苦,推导出残忍者自身的痛苦,这种对所谓‘一同受苦’之价值的荒唐利用,在我看来,是一种蜕变为陈词滥调的矫揉造作”(西美尔,2006:87)。


[1] 亚瑟·叔本华.via:http://baike.so.com/doc/6316656-6530250.html.
[2] 格奥尔格·西美尔.西美尔文集·叔本华与尼采——组演讲[M].上海译文出版社, 2006.


1. 甚至在哲学领域里,霍克海姆(与法兰克福的大多数人一样)早期既受到叔本华(Schopenhauer)、康德(Kant)等唯心主义哲学家的影响,也受到尼采(Nietzsche)、狄尔泰(Dilthey)和柏格森(Bergson)等晚近的思想家“非理性主义”的影响,他把非理性看成是对发达资本主义国家愈来愈压抑个体的抽象一致性的抗议。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:270

1. Even in the realm of philosophy, Horkheimer (in common with most of the Frankfurt School) was early influenced by idealist philosophers such as Schopenhauer, Kant and the ‘irrationalism’ of such more recent thinkers as Nietzsche, Dilthey, and Bergson – an irrationality which he saw as a protest against the abstract uniformity that increasingly oppressed the individual in advanced capitalist society. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 284.

2. 但是,一个民族想要站在科学的最高峰,就一刻也不能没有理论思维。正当自然过程的辩证性质以不可抗拒的力量迫使人们不得不承认它,因而只有辩证法能够帮助自然科学战胜理论困难的时候,人们却把辩证法和黑格尔派一起抛到大海里去了,因而又无可奈何地沉溺于旧的形而上学。从此以后,在公众当中流行的一方面是叔本华的、后来甚至是哈特曼的适合于庸人的浅薄思想,另一方面是福格特和毕希纳之流的庸俗的巡回传教士的唯物主义。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:384

2. But a nation that wants to climb the pinnacles of science cannot possibly manage without theoretical thought. Not only Hegelianism but dialectics too was thrown overboard—and that just at the moment when the dialectical character of natural processes irresistibly forced itself upon the mind, when therefore only dialectics could be of assistance to natural science in negotiating the mountain of theory—and so there was a helpless relapse into the old metaphysics. What prevailed among the public since then were, on the one hand, the vapid reflections of Schopenhauer, which were fashioned to fit the philistines, and later even those of Hartmann; and, on the other hand, the vulgar itinerant-preacher materialism of a Vogt and a Büchner. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 340.

3. 因此,当职业的“马克思征服者们”批评他“缺乏概念的严谨性”,说他使用的是“形象”而不是“定义”等等时,他们就和叔本华在他的“黑格尔批判”中企图揭露黑格尔的“逻辑错误”一样显得可悲:他们甚至连辩证方法的ABC 也完全不能理解。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:46

3. When the professional demolishers of Marx criticise his “lack of conceptual rigour”, and his use of “image” rather than “definitions”, etc., they cut as sorry a figure as did Schopenhauer when he tried to expose Hegel’s “logical howlers” in his Hegel critique. All that is proved is their total inability to gasp even the ABC of the dialectical method. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: xlvii.


例句 1:
Schopenhauer is an important western aesthetician in the period of transition from the ancient to the modern times, while Wang Guowei is the founding father of modern aesthetics in China.

例句 2:
Schopenhauer appears in the Western philosophy stage as the representative of voluntarism. The will’s negative thought is at the core of his philosophy, which is also the final destination of his philosophical thought. What the world is and the negation of the will are the expressions of his whole philosophy.

例句 3:
本文集中探讨了西田几多郎的“内在”哲学,并试图将其思想放置于叔本华哲学之经纬中予以考察( 众所周知,叔本华的意志论具有将康德的批判哲学彻底化的旨趣) 。——“两种内在哲学之比较——西田几多郎与叔本华的对话”,载于《复旦学报(社会科学版)》,2017年第1期
This study shall focus on the “immanent” philosophy of Nishida Kitaro, compared with that of Arthur Schopenhauer, who developed the notion of “will” in order to radicalize the Kantian critical philosophy.





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