

字词 军民融合发展战略


military-civilian integration strategy




目前,国内外对军民融合尚没有统一的界定。1994年,美国国会技术评估局(Office of Technology Assessment)在Assessing the potential for Civil-Military Integration研究报告中给出的定义是:军民融合,是把国防科技工业基础同更大的民用科技工业基础结合起来,组成一个统一的国家科技工业基础的过程。此后,美国国会技术评估局的定义得到西方国家认同,后来被政界和学界广泛应用,在西方类似的提法还有“国防转轨”等。国内学者叶选挺、刘云认为的军民融合的内涵主要包括:建立和完善军民两用技术战略规划,实现技术上的融合;建立和完善军民两用技术双向转移机制,包括军事技术转民用(spin-off)和“民用技术转军用”(spin-on);在企业层面上实现军民一体化;在国防采办过程中,实现军民一体化,避免资源浪费;培育开放性产业链和军民结合型创新主体。谭清美、王子龙还认为,军民融合要在部门管理层次上推进军民一体化,改革有关的管理体制和运行机制,提高行政管理活动的军民融合程度。同时也强调完全军民融合的国防科技工业基础只是一种理想的理论状态,市场特性决定了这种理论形态在现实中是不可能完全实现的(王加栋等,2009:41¬-42)。


[1] 王加栋,白素霞.美俄航空工业军民融合发展战略及其对我国的启示[J].工业技术经济,2009.
[2] 张金荣,张其好.对深入实施军民融合发展战略的认识思考[J].国防,2016.


1. 要统筹经济建设和国防建设,努力实现富国和强军的统一。进一步做好军民融合式发展这篇大文章,坚持需求牵引、国家主导。努力形成基础设施和重要领域军民深度融合的发展格局。要发扬艰苦奋斗精神,厉行勤俭节约,反对铺张浪费,把军费管好用好,使国防投入发挥最大效益。要弘扬拥政爱民、拥军优属的光荣传统,开展军民共建与和谐创建活动。地方各级党委和政府要关心支持国防和军队建设,加强国防教育,增强全民国防观念,使关心国防、热爱国防、建设国防、保卫国防成为全社会的思想共识和自觉行动。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:221

1. We should coordinate the development of our economy and defense capabilities, and combine efforts to make the country prosperous and the military strong. We should further the great integration of military and civilian development, and work to achieve in-depth integration of the use of infrastructure and other key facilities based on demands and led by the government. At the same time,we should manage the military budget well and use it properly by working hard, practicing economy, and opposing extravagance and waste, so as to put the funds to their best use. We should carry on the fine tradition of the military supporting the government and cherishing the people while the government and the people respect the troops and provide preferential treatment to their families. We should ensure that the military and local people work together to promote material advance, and cultural and ethical progress, as well as social harmony. To show concern for and support the development of national defense and the military, Party committees and governments at all levels should enhance education in national defense knowledge and popular awareness so that the whole of society will have common understandings and joint initiatives in caring for, loving, developing and safeguarding national defense. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 243-244.


例句 1:
Xi Jinping’s important exposition on depth development of civil-military integration, profoundly expounded the strategic position of the depth development of civil-military expounded the strategic principles on promoting development of civil-integration, fully deployed the strategic initiatives of civil-military integration depth development, formed a scientific, systematic and complete thought system. This composition is the scientific guidance and the programmer of action of promoting the integration development of economic construction and national defense construction.

例句 2:
China should balance economic development and national defense further to exert the economic welfare effect of defense spending according to the mechanisms under the development strategy of civil-military integration.

例句 3:





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