

字词 唯理论的功利主义


rational utilitarianism




英国斯宾塞提出的调和利己主义与利他主义的快乐论伦理观(唯理论的功利主义.via: http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/Default_Result.aspx?code=CRPD&kw=唯理论的功利主义&korder=0&sel=1&xkcode=*)。他以进化论为基础,认为利己主义先于利他主义,它来源于人的谋求自身利益的本性,但利他主义有利于人的发展与幸福。社会的每一成员的利己主义的满足,依赖于利他主义的行为。他鼓励人们改进自己实行正义的能力,从而使自己与他人都得到体质、文化和道德上的进步。他认为从社会着眼,纯粹利己主义与纯粹利他主义都是不合理的,合理的在于发扬人与人的同情,以有利于个人与社会全体的幸福(金炳华,2001:1507)。康德的批判就是指向这种唯理论的功利主义(阿尔森·古留加,1981:190)。


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] (苏联)阿尔森·古留加.康德传[M].商务印书馆,1981.
[3] 唯理论的功利主义.via:http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/Default_Result.aspx?code=CRPD&kw=唯理论的功利主义&korder=0&sel=1&xkcode=*


1. 理性认识依赖于感性认识,感性认识有待于发展到理性认识,这就是辩证唯物论的认识论。哲学上的“唯理论”和“经验论”都不懂得认识的历史性或辩证性,虽然各有片面的真理,对于唯物的唯理论和经验论而言,非指唯心的唯理论和经验论但在认识论的全体上则都是错误的。由感性到理性之辩证唯物论的认识运动,对于一个小的认识过程,例如对于一个事物或一件工作的认识,是如此,对于一个大的认识过程(例如对于一个社会或一个革命的认识)也是如此。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:291-291

1. Rational knowledge depends upon perceptual knowledge and perceptual knowledge remains to be developed into rational knowledge--this is the dialectical-materialist theory of knowledge. In philosophy “rationalism” nor “empiricism” understands the historical or the dialectical nature of knowledge, and although each of these schools contains one aspect of the truth (here I am referring to materialist, not to idealist, rationalism and empiricism), both are wrong on the theory of knowledge as a whole. The dialectical-materialist movement of knowledge from the perceptual to the rational holds true for a minor process of cognition (for instance, knowing a single thing or task) as well as for a major process of cognition (for instance, knowing a whole society or a revolution). -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 303-304.

2. 显而易见,莫斯的思想在法国理论界一路披靡、应声遍野,这种声势在上一世纪 80年代达到巅峰,其时法国社会学家卡耶竞至发起了一场卷入人数甚众的跨学科“莫斯运动”(“在社会科学中反对功利主义的运动”)。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:157

2. As a matter of fact, Mauss’s thought was well accepted wherever it spread in the French academia. His fame reached the summit in the 1980s, when a handful of French sociologists launched a famous interdisciplinary Movement of Anti-Utilitarianism in Social Science, in a word, “MAUSS.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 221.


例句 1:
The former, based its utilitarian theory of freedom of will on empiricism, achieving unity between utilitarianism and retributive penalty in the question of nature of penalty while the latter, with Hegel as its representative, based its theory of freedom of will on rationalism and took freedom of will of a self-conscious adult as the basis for crime committing and responsible ability,without splitting moral and legal evaluations in retributive penalty.

例句 2:
一般与个别的关系是贯穿西方哲学的主线之一, 从中世纪唯名论与唯实论的斗争,历经近代哲学经验论和唯理论的对立、康德哲学对二者的调和直至马克思主义的物质概念无不贯穿一般与个别这条主线。——“从唯名论和唯实论的斗争到物质概念的一般与个别视域反思”,载于《安徽电气工程职业技术学院学报》2012年第2期
The relationship of general and individual is one of the main line throughout Western philosophy, from the struggle of nominalism and realism in Middle Ages to the opposition of empiricism and rationalism in the modem philosophy and the Kant’s reconciling to them and the Marxism’s matter concept are ran through all by the main line of general and individual.

例句 3:





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