

字词 跨学科研究


interdisciplinary enquiry; interdisciplinary research


[1] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 56.
[2] 胡志勇.汉英新词新语辞典[Z].上海交通大学出版社,2004.


跨学科研究又称为多学科融合研究,是指科研主体在科学分化的基础上,打破不同学科之间的界线、跨越不同研究领域而进行的一种科学创造活动,是解决复杂的科学技术问题和社会问题而达到不同学科相互渗透的一个重要手段。跨学科研究已经成为当今科学发展的显著特征(文洪朝,2007:12)。人类进行跨学科性的研究已有较长历史,但真正称得上跨学科的,还是在近代有了分门别类的学科建制后才逐渐成形的。其中最著名的当属笛卡儿将代数学与几何学交叉而发明的解析几何,它不仅一改两千年来这两门学科彼此分离的局面,而且为微积分的发明创造了条件。此后,随着科学的发展相继出现了多种形式和领域间的学科交叉,使交叉学科研究成为科学中的一种常见现象。“跨学科”一词最早在20世纪20年代美国的纽约出现,其最初含义大致相当于“合作研究”。我国于1985年召开“交叉科学大会”,“交叉科学(或学科)”一词在科学界广为传播。早期,人们对交叉科学和跨学科基本不加区分。20世纪90年代以后,有学者开始用“跨学科”一词代替“交叉科学”(跨学科研究.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=UVEPncXuG8s_1NMsVDmG6h4nHP-dE_aU1HeZ57iS9S615P4BU3uuT-i9CVtHCPIiUvwZE8Z8FZPH_tXqaxA-Jq)。当前,跨学科研究已在当今科学发展中起着越来越重要的作用。近十几年来,科学技术发展的一个鲜明特征是日益求助于跨学科研究战略解决各种现实问题。


[1] 文洪朝.跨学科研究——当今科学发展的显著特征[J].西北工业大学学报(社会科学版),2007(2).
[2] 跨学科研究.via:


1. 马克思主义理论的经济主义解释被斥为是一幅讽刺画,尽管在这种情况下有可能把马克思从其追随者的过分行为中拯救出来,尽管这样一种方式降低了马克思本人著作的权威。我们应该做的是把马克思视为一种话语,即视为一种跨学科研究,包含着那些我们期望有人始终推入到未知思想领域中的矛盾。马克思变成了一个试图理解异常复杂的文化状况的人物,并且他的解决方案相当于一种能够预测未来事件的有序体系——就像他的许多追随者相信的那样。把马克思的著作视为一个合理总体的倾向应该加以抵制。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:87

1. The economist interpretation of Marxist theory is dismissed as a caricature, although in this case it is possible to rescue Marx from the excesses perpetrated by his followers; albeit in such a way as to reduce the authority of Marx’s own work. What we ought to be doing is treating Marx as a discourse; that is, as an interdisciplinary enquiry containing the contradictions we would expect of someone pushing all the time into unknown intellectual territory. Marx turns into a figure seeking to make sense of an exceedingly complex cultural situation, and his responses do not add up to an ordered system capable of predicting future events as so many of his followers seem to believe. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 56.


例句 1:
The 21st century is a thriving time for the interdisciplinary research, during this time, it is playing a very important role in knowledge production, social process, academic research and professional cultivation, and also playing an irreplaceable role in stimulating the yield of new ideas, new discovering and new technologies, which letting human being get a more comprehensive undersanding on where they live.

例句 2:
Sinee the 20 century, development trend of the soeial seienees’ integration and soeial problems’ complexity makes interdisciplinary research has become an important topic in soeiety.

例句 3:
Though interdisciplinary research has become a popular term in recent years, the academic community holds various poinions on its meanings and is divided on many basic issues concerning the study. Therefore, understanding its academic background and theoretical focus has become a fundamental premise for advancing inter





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